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jcwhite_uk Posts: > 500

I just turned of the mobile phone part of my Bold and appworld works fine on WIFI. Facebook and Live Messsenger work on WIFi as well.
Posted: 2009-06-15 21:14:39
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Berry Posts: > 500

Most parts of a Wifi BB will work however unless you have UMA not all the BB functions can operate.

Posted: 2009-06-15 22:21:43
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Nanu Posts: > 500

Most parts of a WiFi BB will work however you will need the service books in place for the BB functions to operate.

What you need is a back up of service books (less email and calendar SB's) from somebody using the same device on the same network, then install said service books on to your own device and et voila!

Posted: 2009-06-15 23:20:07
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Berry Posts: > 500

We had this before and is doesnt always work and like said, UMA allows ALL functionality throug the Wifi. Seeing as you couldnt make calls...when turning the signal off - Otherwise they would make UMA handsets surely.

I tried various service book options from people using same handsets and its not a 100% method.

But no doubt i will be wrong and sure you'll say something
Posted: 2009-06-16 17:32:06
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thomas93 Posts: 444

Well i suppose I could give it a try

Anyone with a Curve on Orange?
Posted: 2009-06-16 20:00:48
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701 Posts: > 500

I made a short review on Weather Bug - if there is any of you using a weather program and was wondering about this one,you can compare it.

Posted: 2009-06-18 17:28:44
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Trev1982 Posts: > 500

Hey guys finally gave in a 6 weeks ago and got a bb got the 8120 at the min but getting 8900 curve in a few weeks that's how much I love bb now can't believe I managed with out one before anyway here's my pin

Posted: 2009-06-18 17:42:00
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Berry Posts: > 500

On 2009-06-16 20:00:48, thomas93 wrote:
Well i suppose I could give it a try

Anyone with a Curve on Orange?

I am
Posted: 2009-06-18 18:34:44
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thomas93 Posts: 444

Do you mid giving me those files atall?
Pweitty pwease?
Posted: 2009-06-18 20:22:32
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Burgaz Posts: > 500

Oi Thomas!

I've added you on BB messenger but you aint accepted!?

Is it a case of you haven't activated your BB properly by getting a BB bundle off of your network provider!?

Burgaz B. Burgasson

Posted: 2009-06-18 21:00:06
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