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Trev1982 Posts: > 500

@p990 yeah im on simplicity the online dfeal is much better than the shop, and yeah you can have the bb data plan
Posted: 2009-07-02 12:36:12
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Merc_Man Posts: > 500

Does anyone know an app I can use on my pc to edit todo notes?

Also a decent app for the blackberry.

One that shows different dates for each todo notes?

Posted: 2009-07-08 20:24:00
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Nanu Posts: > 500

On 2009-07-08 20:24:00, Merc_Man wrote:
Does anyone know an app I can use on my pc to edit todo notes?

Also a decent app for the blackberry.

One that shows different dates for each todo notes?


Remember The Milk, will do all this for you and give you the ability to sync OTA and it will integrate with Google calendar as well I now believe, only trouble is you have to pay for it and in true BB stylie it ain't cheap!
Posted: 2009-07-08 22:06:38
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bearcub24 Posts: 227

I've just got my upgade, I used to use a BB 8120 (on O2), I've now got a 8900 on an increeased tarrif. On my old tarrif I used BB pay-as-you-use which was ok at first but as I increased my use obviously by bills increased. Now I've got a BlackBerry unlimited data/email allowance, my question is, I like to change around my collection of BlackBerry handsets, is this allowance linked to the upgrade handsets pin or imei or can it be used through any BlackBerry handset I use?
Posted: 2009-07-11 12:39:14
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jcwhite_uk Posts: > 500

It is on your mobile account so is not restricted to one PIN.
Posted: 2009-07-11 13:57:58
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Supa_Fly Posts: > 500

On 2009-06-21 16:02:04, p900 lover wrote:
Think i might give the 8900 a go, if i am on o2 contract and have the web bolt on will they be able to change it to the bb?
also what if i go onto simplicity in september will i still be ale to use all the bb features?

If you where in North America - I'd say wait another 3mths to see the release of Onyx. You get the Bold hardware, in slim 8900 style with Bold keyboard and the TrackSensor.

I'm going to be heavily weighing navigational speeds of:
BB Onyx
Nokia E72
This fall.
Posted: 2009-07-11 17:02:12
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Supa_Fly Posts: > 500

On 2009-06-15 21:14:39, jcwhite_uk wrote:
I just turned of the mobile phone part of my Bold and appworld works fine on WIFI. Facebook and Live Messsenger work on WIFi as well.

On 2009-06-15 22:21:43, Berry wrote:
Most parts of a Wifi BB will work however unless you have UMA not all the BB functions can operate.

^ I'd agree with Berry the guru ... however its dependant on your provider & branding ... here in RIM home country on Rogers Wireless many ppl have issues with 8120 (UMA) and Bold (non-UMA) in browsing over WiFi and using apps on WiFi.

It seems that if no data plan is on your IMSI then WLAN browsing or apps on WiFi are limited with service books being installed from BIS: installing them using BBDM doesn't seem to remedy the situation. Not all apps are affected in this situation, but ones that "should" work do not see the wlan connection regardless of settings, setup, connection strength. This may have been changed/resolved since December last year - but I haven't used a BB since then.

I may just buy an 8900 next week - this Nokia N85 is being a SERIOUS pain in the ass and I cannot be productive on it.
Posted: 2009-07-11 17:06:42
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nicv27 Posts: > 500

I have just got a BB bold on vodafone but i want to use it on o2 are they easy to unlock?
Posted: 2009-07-11 22:40:34
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MWEB Posts: > 500

Seeing as Nic piped in , i have a Storm which i'm using on Voda, though it is unlocked
Posted: 2009-07-11 22:44:09
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gola Posts: > 500

Hi, just wanted to know, do all BB phones' display turn on and off when they are in or taken out of their pouches respectively? what about other brands?
Posted: 2009-07-11 22:46:48
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