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besleeann190 Posts: 1


please help me to have free mobile internt browsing..
i already downloaded the opera mini v.2.0 and opera mini 4.2
but there's always a network error.

thanks in advance
Posted: 2010-06-18 20:09:53
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Excalibur69 Posts: > 500

kajol wrote:
@excal u were right it was the network i just changed it to a different network its fine. But i deleted my om handler 5 by mistake plz if any1 has a link pm me.

go here bro:

or you can also visit Asia Pacific region for more OMs...
Posted: 2010-06-19 14:45:08
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netsurf1 Posts: 48

hello guys,

please i need help with free browsing on my laptop;

i was connectiing via Tor Vidalia with MTN Nigeria but they seems to have blocked the settings recently

The APN is
IP is
PORT is 8080
i configured Tor Vidalia with these settings and i was able to browse free for months but now it has been blocked
i started using your-freedom to browse free but the speed is not encouraging and it is not as stable as Tor but i also notice that if i changed the IP on tor to localhost with port 8080 which means routing tor tough freedom, tor would connect and browse free but at the speed and inconsistency of your-freedom.

please is there any way i can make tor connect without freedom again?

any help would be appreciated.
Posted: 2010-07-07 09:31:59
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Excalibur69 Posts: > 500

@netsurf, may i ask you, is free browsing using Operamini working on your network? If so, you can use Operamini on PC using Emulator...its as fast as TOR and YF and all other tunneling apps. It is also capable of browsing, downloading, uploading lilke what you can do with those TAs.
Posted: 2010-07-08 04:36:29
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netsurf1 Posts: 48

thanks excalibur,

yes i heard ppl using operamini to browse free but i don't know how they do it.

kindly explain how to go about this
Posted: 2010-07-08 11:17:32
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Excalibur69 Posts: > 500

@netsurf, just click the signature below my post...and you'll be directed there...
Posted: 2010-07-09 05:20:40
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netsurf1 Posts: 48

@ excalibur,

pls i downloaded the operamini 4.2 but when i tried to install it, it was asking for phone directory to install...please how do i install it on my laptop?
Posted: 2010-07-13 15:18:04
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Excalibur69 Posts: > 500

@netsurf, you don't need to install the operamini on your laptop, just download it and place it where ever you want, like for instance on your desktop, or at the folder of your KEmulator, in my case I place it at D:\\My Documents\\KEmulator\\file\\root and load it... Just follow the procedure i posted in my thread...Good luck...
Posted: 2010-07-15 09:38:32
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Mr-s Posts: -1

Helo, guys can someone pliz tell me how to browse for free on VODACOM-SA our free site is blocked.
Posted: 2010-09-08 15:39:26
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Rasta0000 Posts: > 500

Find the latest freesite Mr-s
Posted: 2010-09-08 16:00:00
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