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On 2009-07-11 22:46:48, gola wrote:
Hi, just wanted to know, do all BB phones' display turn on and off when they are in or taken out of their pouches respectively? what about other brands?
All BB's will do this when an official BB pouch or similar with magnet is used.
Other brands ? not sure if its even thought of let along practiced.
Posted: 2009-07-11 23:22:01
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Thanks, well it's a great feature, quite ingenious... Others should follow suit, if they already aren't.
Posted: 2009-07-11 23:28:45
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im a Curve owner now bought it two days ago and i cannot understand why i didnt buy one sooner lol...
i love everything about this phone.. but although i would like more apps or something.. but everything is really good =)
Posted: 2009-07-13 14:15:23
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Sorry to post again but how easy is it to unlock a vodafone locked Bold to be used on o2
Posted: 2009-07-15 23:54:16
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On 2009-07-15 23:54:16, nicv27 wrote:
Sorry to post again but how easy is it to unlock a vodafone locked Bold to be used on o2
Very easy for me, was that guide no good for you?
Posted: 2009-07-16 00:06:38
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Guide? where was that, Sorry i must have missed that
Posted: 2009-07-16 00:10:04
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On 2009-07-16 00:10:04, nicv27 wrote:
Guide? where was that, Sorry i must have missed that
The link I posted on twitter!
Posted: 2009-07-16 00:48:58
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Sorry yeah i remember now, i thought it was here. Old age kicking in
Posted: 2009-07-16 00:56:20
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@NIC google MFI multiloader !
Posted: 2009-07-16 01:26:00
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Ok finally got my BB sorted after much frustation!!
My BB's a little lonely at mo and is looking for other BB mates
New PIN : 259251FA
[ This Message was edited by: shelly58 on 2009-07-16 11:43 ]
Posted: 2009-07-16 12:38:36
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