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What is a reliable BB housing supplier, i would like original and not crap from ebay.
Posted: 2011-02-20 00:17:27
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On 2011-02-20 00:17:27, p900 lover wrote:
What is a reliable BB housing supplier, i would like original and not crap from ebay.
I have used cnn.cn many a time and have yet to be disappointed!
Posted: 2011-02-20 00:30:35
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Looking forward to the Dakota. My next two phones are the Arc and Dakota.
Been looking for a replacement for my P1i and the Dakota is brilliant for that purpose. The 9700 failed at replacing my P1i, the phone is used very rarely and I am contemplating selling it. I hated the Torch for its slide-out QWERTY keypad. I just hate sliders of any form.
Aah, the joys of using two lines
Posted: 2011-02-20 16:53:44
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Looking forward to the Dakota. My next two phones are the Arc and Dakota.
Been looking for a replacement for my P1i and the Dakota is brilliant for that purpose. The 9700 failed at replacing my P1i, the phone is used very rarely and I am contemplating selling it. I hated the Torch for its slide-out QWERTY keypad. I just hate sliders of any form.
Aah, the joys of using two lines
Posted: 2011-02-20 16:58:16
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Looking forward to the Dakota. My next two phones are the Arc and Dakota.
Been looking for a replacement for my P1i and the Dakota is brilliant for that purpose. The 9700 failed at replacing my P1i, the phone is used very rarely and I am contemplating selling it. I hated the Torch for its slide-out QWERTY keypad. I just hate sliders of any form.
Aah, the joys of using two lines
Posted: 2011-02-20 17:01:30
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Looking forward to the Dakota. My next two phones are the Arc and Dakota.
Been looking for a replacement for my P1i and the Dakota is brilliant for that purpose. The 9700 failed at replacing my P1i, the phone is used very rarely and I am contemplating selling it. I hated the Torch for its slide-out QWERTY keypad. I just hate sliders of any form.
Aah, the joys of using two lines
Posted: 2011-02-20 17:08:20
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Looking forward to the Dakota. My next two phones are the Arc and Dakota.
Been looking for a replacement for my P1i and the Dakota is brilliant for that purpose. The 9700 failed at replacing my P1i, the phone is used very rarely and I am contemplating selling it. I hated the Torch for its slide-out QWERTY keypad. I just hate sliders of any form.
Aah, the joys of using two lines
Posted: 2011-02-20 17:11:34
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Looking forward to the Dakota. My next two phones are the Arc and Dakota.
Been looking for a replacement for my P1i and the Dakota is brilliant for that purpose. The 9700 failed at replacing my P1i, the phone is used very rarely and I am contemplating selling it. I hated the Torch for its slide-out QWERTY keypad. I just hate sliders of any form.
Aah, the joys of using two lines
Posted: 2011-02-20 17:16:27
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I have just got a 9700 as a replacement for my broken 8900 and am wondering is there a way to keep my old pin? a way of transferring contact ect?
Posted: 2011-02-25 13:42:23
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There is no way of keeping your old pin...
Well there is,

but it involves a work and is illegal.
You can set up the 9700 to be exactly like your 9800 with regards to the data, but only if you started the device transfer wizard before releasing the 8900...
[ This Message was edited by: Nanu on 2011-02-25 13:09 ]
Posted: 2011-02-25 14:07:46
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