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Another source:
Saudi State TV 1 (Arabic)
Saudi State TV 2 (English+Arabic)
Posted: 2008-12-07 16:58:38
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Great links guys
wish i was there!
These days are very big in the sight of Allah almighty
Spend every breath wisely
and pray for this ummah
Posted: 2008-12-07 17:39:43
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Hello friends
If you dont mind me asking what are the celebrations for Eid el fittr and Eid el addah?
I know one is the end of Ramadan.
Thanks and peace
Posted: 2008-12-07 17:45:42
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Hey Thomas, great question
Wiki explains in detail regarding the Eid we will celebrate tomorrow:
Eid al-Adha (Arabic: عيد الأضحى ‘Īd ul-’Adhā) or the Festival of Sacrifice is a religious festival celebrated by Muslims and Druze worldwide in commemoration of the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God. The devil tempted Ibrahim by saying he should disobey God and spare his son. As Ibrahim was about to sacrifice his son, God intervened and instead provided a lamb as the sacrifice. This is why today all over the world Muslims who have the means to, sacrifice an animal (usually a goat or a sheep), as a reminder of Ibrahim's obedience to God. The meat is then shared out with family, friends (Muslims or non-Muslims), as well as the poor members of the community. (Islam names Ishmael as the son who was to be sacrificed, whereas the Judeo-Christian name Isaac).
Eid al-Adha is one of two Eid festivals celebrated by Muslims, whose basis comes from the Quran.[1] (Muslims in Iran celebrate a third, non-denominational Eid.) Like Eid el-Fitr, Eid al-Adha begins with a short prayer followed by a sermon (khuṭba).
Eid al-Adha annually falls on the 10th day of the month of Dhul Hijja (ذو الحجة) of the lunar Islamic calendar. The festivities last for two to three days or more depending on the country. Eid al-Adha occurs the day after the pilgrims conducting Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia by Muslims worldwide, descend from Mount Arafat. It happens to be approximately 70 days after the end of the month of Ramadan.
or this BBC link is quite clear too:
Hope it helps matey!
Posted: 2008-12-07 18:11:18
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On 2008-12-07 17:45:42, thomas93 wrote:
Hello friends
If you dont mind me asking what are the celebrations for Eid el fittr and Eid el addah?
I know one is the end of Ramadan.
Thanks and peace
As-salamualaykum, Eid-ul-fitr marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan and is celebrated on the first day of the new month (Shawwal). Eid-ul-Adha, also known as Bakr-Eid, marks the 10th day of the month of Zil Hajj and marks the end of the the Hajj.
Posted: 2008-12-07 18:13:19
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This is awesome
The Eid day Takbir from Makkah
Please watch:
(Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest.
There is none who has the right to be worshipped except Allah.
Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest and to Allah belongs all praise.)
[ This Message was edited by: PeterKay on 2008-12-07 17:19 ]
Posted: 2008-12-07 18:17:58
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Salams brothers. A couple of questions crossed my mind while watching the telecast.
1. Do we have to consider ourselves worthy enough to perform the Hajj? I mean, I don't consider myself deserving enough to go there and feel the need to cleanse/purge some of the 'impure' habits so that Allah (SWT) can pardon me and give me a chance to start afresh, if you know what I mean.
2. After performing the Hajj, aren't pilgrims (Hajis) supposed to lead a chaste life? However, if someone does commit a sin, would Allah (SWT) pardon that person if they were to perform another Hajj (or perhaps Umrah)?
Apologies if the questions sound a bit naïve. I, like many others who've lived in the U.S., haven't a clue about some of the deeper aspects of Islam.
eBay: +21, -0

P1i, Nokia N95-2 (backup), Crackberry Curve 8320 (corporate)
[ This Message was edited by: gforce23 on 2008-12-07 17:29 ]
Posted: 2008-12-07 18:28:29
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Thanks Peter
I thought i'd ask rather than wiki it, as wikipedia is sometimes written by people who dont have a life and go way to deep
Posted: 2008-12-07 18:32:44
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naveedaziz83 Posts: > 500
Asalam o alaikum warah matullah wabarakatuhu
Brother gfroce, I will try to answer your questions in the best possible way. If somehow if that is not what you were asking please do let me know as I would try a different approach.
First of all, following the commands of Allah is a must for every Muslim, regardless of age, sex, color or any other factor. If there is something Allah has ordered us in the Holy Quran, we are obliged to obey it without asking any further questions. and performing Hajj is made a necessity upon us by Allah (atleast once in a lifetime). Now the question regarding whether you are not deserving enough or not. I am sure many of us feel the same way that yes we are very sinfull, we sin day and night and how can we go to the Holy Land with all those sins upon our shoulders. Well Allah has also mentioned this in the Holy Quran that indeed I (Allah) has created the human being as weak. Weak enough to listen to the devil and commit wrongful acts. Acts which are against what Allah has told us to do. That is why Allah has also mentioned that He is all Raheem and Kareem. That He likes to forgive the human being and to follow the right path. I can go on and on regarding this but the main point here is that if you think about it, Hajj itself is a blessing on us as Muslims, to purify ourselves of all the sins we have committed. Allah is showering His blessings upon us and who are we to question Him whether we are deserving enough or not. It is Allah who knows whats the best for us. It is Allah who knows whether we are deserving or not. And if inshAllah He calls you to his house for Hajj or Umrah then indeed, you are deserving enough to be purified of your sins and start living a pious life.
Now to your second question. Yes, it is true that we are suppose to live a chaste life, but not just after performing hajj but even before that. We should try as much as we can to refrain from evil acts. Allah has quoted shaitan in the Holy Quran as saying that I (shaitan) will keep on targeting humans in order to make them do wrong deeds, deeds which are not according to the will of Allah and for how long will shaitan keep on doing that, till the day of Judgment (yum-e-qyama). None of us (except Allah) knows when Qyamat will occur. Till then , shaitan will keep on attacking us, keep on putting his evil thoughts in our mind, yes we have to control ourselves, we have to resist those evil temptations, but as i mentioned earlier, we are created as being weak. Sometimes we control our desires, other times we give in and follow the footsteps of the devil. But again, Allah is all forgiving, all raheem all kareem, even after you perform hajj and you commit a sin and if you ask repentance from Allah, He will forgive you. Allah has put forward no such condition that you performed hajj and after that you committed a sin and now I will not forgive you. NO. Allah will keep on forgiving till the gates of forgiveness are closed forever. And think about it my brother. If for some reason you do commit a sin and your heart tells you that you have done something bad and that you should ask for repentance, this is a sign from Allah that Allah wants to forgive you because if Allah never wanted to, He would never put this in your heart that you should ask for forgiveness, indeed Allah knows that you are deserving to be purified, indeed Allah knows the best for us.
I hope this answer you questions and clears any kind of doubt you have. Please do ask more.
Wasalam o alaikum warah matullah wabarakatuhu
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[ This Message was edited by: naveedaziz83 on 2008-12-07 18:02 ]
Posted: 2008-12-07 18:39:57
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Subhanallah... Sends shivers down your spine! Inshallah we will all have a chance to perform Hajj one day...
Posted: 2008-12-07 18:43:43
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