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Ppl Posts: > 500

They had other plans back then. Planning to rise up on the top manufacturers list. Then came the Chinese and they kept releasing the same phone over and over again. Sony (and SE) meant great camera, walkman style sound, great build quality and great design. They kept betraying their fans by letting them down on those areas, especially the camera. That's why Sony name does not mean much anymore. Lack of marketing doesn't help either. It won't give them a status symbol, also I think Sony people are not easily fooled.
Posted: 2019-04-29 19:58:58
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tai020381 Posts: > 500

From zacbucks . Total 7 handsets to announce. So tired more to go.

Posted: 2019-04-29 23:27:59
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Hawk12 Posts: > 500

I want them to do :

Another 4K with new cam and more battery
Smaller flagship with FHD ( no more than 5,8")
10 Pro with SD675

Posted: 2019-04-29 23:40:00
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tai020381 Posts: > 500

On 2019-04-29 23:40:00, Hawk12 wrote:
I want them to do :

Another 4K with new cam and more battery
Smaller flagship with FHD ( no more than 5,8")
10 Pro with SD675

Yeah I'm looking at the smaller one too ~
Posted: 2019-04-30 00:01:56
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skyXperia Posts: 175

On 2019-04-29 23:27:59, tai020381 wrote:
From zacbucks . Total 7 handsets to announce. So tired more to go.

That not Zackbuck, just a Weibo user
Posted: 2019-04-30 00:53:45
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Hawk12 Posts: > 500

If Sony has more than one screen supplier for LCD devices, how can they all have Triluminos?
Considering it's Quantum Dots.
Posted: 2019-04-30 01:41:48
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AlvinZahranM Posts: > 500

On 2019-04-29 17:10:16, Hawk12 wrote:
About OP, I think they count as BBK.

Even when sony had Z phones, they lost money already.
If they really wanted to quit, why would they wait so long?

Tons of ppl buy iPhone because it is from Apple. Not because of iOS.
Same reason famous ppl buy Beats despite quality is far behind Sony and Bose.

Tons of ppl buy Galaxy because they see Sammy logo.
Without even knowing if the phone is good or crap.

You dont see ppl buying Xperia just because Sony logo.
Why it does not happen too?

People buy Apple products because the ecosystem, apps, and continuity across all devices they have, Android products don't have such thing. People buy samsung products because even though they aren't the best in multiple areas, their flagships are the most consistent of all phones out there. Sony doesn't even have that strong ecosystem, let alone having a consistent smartphone to begin with.
Posted: 2019-04-30 02:00:30
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Nevewolf Posts: 128

On 2019-04-30 01:41:48, Hawk12 wrote:
If Sony has more than one screen supplier for LCD devices, how can they all have Triluminos?
Considering it's Quantum Dots.

Components such as the display are manufactured with the requirements that Sony needs, like the color gamut needed to be considered a Triluminos display.
Posted: 2019-04-30 03:16:49
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Hawk12 Posts: > 500

I doubt more than 10% of iphone users know the OS is called iOS.
Same for android users.
Iphone is considered fancy.
Weird to know someone considered 4, 5 and 5s fancy .. đŸ¤”

Samsung S and Note does not count 20% of their sales.
J series was what has kept them #1.
Now J has been replaced by M.

Athletes can get best headphones money can buy, but end up with Beats ..
I doubt all them are sponsored.
All Instagram subcelebrities use iphone.

Posted: 2019-04-30 03:45:58
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Tsepz_GP Posts: > 500

On 2019-04-29 15:01:02, Ppl wrote:
Yeah it's like battery care but with custom hours I think.

Isn't operating loss their biggest? Op doesn't sell through stores right? Do they even give in-country warranty everywhere? Google also does only flagships and in limited availability. Sony on the other hand, had global sales channels and service centers and staff etc. That must be why they are limiting their markets. To be more like Google maybe. But Google already makes the android and profits from it. I'm curious to know if the likes of op and Google actually have profitable smartphone businesses. Do they release reports?

Google are not having it easy either with the Pixel 3 line performance being low
Google says Pixel sales are down, blames ‘pressures’ in premium segment
Posted: 2019-04-30 14:28:39
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