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LordZero Posts: 18

i hope they launch this in black ;_;
Posted: 2005-09-25 21:13:17
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DeLa Posts: > 500

Mighty it is HUGE
Way too big
I wish they came up with a smaller phone that is not candy bar; these swivels all are too thick; after the razr the standards have been adjusted...
And the white is not good - unless it looks better in real life
Posted: 2005-09-25 21:42:21
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alexlt Posts: > 500

Is just my imagination or the screen is physically smaller If it has QVGA resolution and a 3Mp camera i will be happy
Posted: 2005-09-26 00:10:27
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S4k1s Posts: > 500

@alexlt : screen has same physical size as s700 and cam is 2mp
Posted: 2005-09-26 00:16:48
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alexlt Posts: > 500

Damn!!! We'll have to wait to Ophira for a with a 3mp camera
Posted: 2005-09-26 03:34:22
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SloopJohnB Posts: > 500

Am i the only one who thinks this phone is ugly? its too big and the white color looks cheap. i dont know why se left the brushed metal looks. iT really added ´value´ to the phone and it looked great and luxurious. The white plastic and orange look just seam like a toy to me.
Posted: 2005-09-26 05:07:43
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orange Posts: 397

On 2005-09-26 05:07:43, SloopJohnB wrote:
Am i the only one who thinks this phone is ugly? its too big and the white color looks cheap.
No, you're not.
Posted: 2005-09-26 05:47:00
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Johnex Posts: > 500

All the blockias look cheap, but people buy them. It might be what people want. This message was posted from a Z1010
Posted: 2005-09-26 06:54:30
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(An)Dante Posts: 147

I'm a bit sad about it. When the S700 has been introduced it had really decent features far ahead of the market in terms of technology..
But this one is not a stepforward just merging of different products:
- screen from S700
- UI & camera from K750
- 3G technology from K600
Nothing special at all. However this one is so giant nowadays..
Posted: 2005-09-26 12:44:59
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Cenfi Posts: 129

maybe it just unfinished prototype body. i hope it'll different in launching.
Posted: 2005-09-26 12:48:00
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