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kabukijep Posts: 185

Server busy, too many users. Please try again later!

[ This Message was edited by: kabukijep on 2005-12-16 01:24 ]
Posted: 2005-12-03 06:56:57
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mob453 Posts: 207

interesting, finally switched to my k600i from my 6630. Easy to use, simple, and small enough to fit in your pocket.

Noticed that if you post by WAP that esato does not recognise the handset, you just get "posted by WAP Device".
Posted: 2005-12-05 01:36:51
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CpTbi|| Posts: 40

Just bought the K600. Great phone, only complain the crappy keyboard.
It has the R2G firmware and unfortunately there is no option to enable the phone to lock on 2,5G network (something that exists on V600).
Does anyone know if the latest firmware (R2J) has that option?
Posted: 2005-12-14 12:34:14
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kabukijep Posts: 185

Has anyone else noticed that the SEUS site seemed to have had the K600 service up a little while back (about 5 or 6 am +8 GMT)? I got to save the link, and it's still live if you check it out here- even the link to the UpdateService_Inst_2.2.10 client is still live. When I checked back just a few mins ago I didn't see the update service link in the K600 support main page anymore- weird.. I got to install the client but when I try to run it, I get "Server busy, too many users. Please try again later!" Catching SEUS up is so hard to come by these days jeez
Posted: 2005-12-16 02:32:04
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uukk Posts: 11

Unfortunately no SW for my K600i EU5.

[ This Message was edited by: uukk on 2005-12-17 08:10 ]
Posted: 2005-12-17 09:10:27
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sgcu Posts: 8

anyone know if it fixes the ringtone volume on the v600i?

Posted: 2005-12-19 19:15:34
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Jezza21 Posts: 20

There doesn't seem to be an update for the V600i yet. I just tried it on both mine and my wife's phones and it said the latest released software was installed. The software we have is R2K005. If anyone else has anything later than this, I'd be interested to know.....

One other thing. Once you start the update service it asks you to click on an icon that corresponds to how the bottom of your phone looks. If you click on the one that looks like the V600 it just says desktop stand not detected. Click on the other one (the one that doesn't correspond to the V600!), follow the instructions and it seems to work. At least I then got the message saying I have the latest firmware.
Posted: 2005-12-19 20:22:18
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martynb Posts: 19

I can't get past the 'remove SIM and hold 'C' and attach USB cable' part of the update.
I never see an option to click past this.
I am using the cable supplied with my K600i. Shaped like a mini-USB it plugs into side of fone.
Any advice?
Posted: 2005-12-20 11:35:03
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kabukijep Posts: 185

I dont think you can use the USB cable to update via SEUS II (it takes either the K750/W800 cable or a DSS-25 stand)- tho there was this one time they had USB cable drivers that would let you use the included USB cable to update your FW available for download

On 2005-12-20 11:35:03, martynb wrote:
I can't get past the 'remove SIM and hold 'C' and attach USB cable' part of the update.
I never see an option to click past this.
I am using the cable supplied with my K600i. Shaped like a mini-USB it plugs into side of fone.
Any advice?

Posted: 2005-12-20 16:01:05
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Jezza21 Posts: 20

I think you can use the USB cable, it's just not very clear how to do it. If you check out this link[....]s&lm=ps1_1&pid=10290&fid=21839 it talks about the USB flash drivers being installed by the program. What I found works for me is if while holding the c button and plugging in the USB cable I press the power button the SEUS seems to recognise the phone and check for updates. There doesn't seem to be one for the V600 though.
Posted: 2005-12-20 16:33:08
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