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> Nokia N70 Review (56k warning)
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yeah, n90 is a nightmare. anyway, i havent got the chance yet ti have n70 in my own hands. is the cover alu or its just an alu sheet ( like in t610 ) ?
Posted: 2005-11-04 22:17:58
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The only thing that is alu is a smal frame around the screen and keypad, it's just for decoration nothing else, but the plastic feels rather high quality, if plastic ever can do that? But it is a huge step up from the Nokias with interchangeable housings...
Posted: 2005-11-04 22:23:21
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thats right. i ve herad that the navy key isnt that good. i was satisfied with 6680 solution ( almost the same as in t65 ) and the keypad was ok aswell. i do like "hard" keypads.
Posted: 2005-11-04 22:38:40
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DickySnapples Posts: > 500
i wasnt really too fussed about the N70(As ive already got a N90 and a 6680) but i had a play with one today,and really liked it,nice size,weight,and feel to it. although the screen looks about the same as the 6680.
Posted: 2005-11-05 01:23:27
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that screen is so disappointing, why was it posible to put a nice on in 6230i? isnt 6680 and n70 worth for it?
Posted: 2005-11-05 01:26:03
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i guess at the end of the day it's what you'll be doing with it.
I guess the best way to determine whether or not it is worth it is to view a video or stream tv.
TBH, the quality is more than enough for a phone atm, especially one with so much in it.
Posted: 2005-11-05 01:51:26
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yes, but according the 2mp cam it would have been worth to put a better screen in it...
Posted: 2005-11-05 01:52:34
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i guess, but I can seriously say that it's good enough.
Oh and 1gb is the max for an rs-mmc.
Posted: 2005-11-05 03:39:52
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thats good, in 6680the max was 512 afaik
Posted: 2005-11-05 04:41:00
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On 2005-11-05 03:39:52, amnesia wrote:
i guess, but I can seriously say that it's good enough.
Oh and 1gb is the max for an rs-mmc.
Any news on when the 1gb cards are out?
In Sweden we can't get any bigger than 512mb for the moment...
Posted: 2005-11-05 15:07:02
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