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> Sony Ericsson MMR-60 Review
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Perhaps try it (the mmr) with a charger plugged in?
Posted: 2006-02-11 17:54:18
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I dont think it works like that..
Posted: 2006-02-11 20:58:18
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etaab, it's true the mmr60 can't be improved that way, though it should be relatively easy to mod an external antenna onto the thing.
Still it's all a bit pointless for something that should work as advertised. I guess if it works as my tunecast does, then atleast I'll be better off (since the mmr60 connects direct and is more convenient than the tunecast). I don't find my tunecast does that little ten second thing, once I get a reasonable signal it's stable. Knowing belkin quality control I wouldn't be surprised if your tunecast was one of the frequent lemons - mine was by pure luck a working one.
I am going to buy the mmr60, can always get my money back if it's a no go. Though from reports I won't be holding my breath...
Posted: 2006-02-12 13:07:30
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Well, the place i bought the Tunecast from (blueunplugged.com) tested it and said it was working properly, and refused to give me a refund (dont shop with them people). I'd have taken action against them, because under UK law they cannot refuse to refund but i just didnt have the time or effort to go into a dispute over something so small.
This is the third Belkin product ive ever owned, and they've all been crap. Ive decided never to buy anything from Belkin ever again.
Regarding the MMR-60, im still not going to take the risk, i'd rather just buy a new car stereo.
Posted: 2006-02-12 14:33:43
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I completely understand, I'm just masochistic that way!! But it's not high on my priority, lot of other shit to buy first
And I'm pretty much in the "won't buy belkin" camp too. Have had two failures out of three products of theirs I've purchased (although they replaced one of those with a working version - the bt dongle)
Posted: 2006-02-12 16:32:14
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Well, i bought a £3 extension cable for 3.5mm jacks, 1.5m in length today.
I'll give it a try later in my car with my Tunecast, and see how it fairs against the older 3 inch only cable.
Posted: 2006-02-13 18:46:58
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That will be interesting. Though the 10 second thing sounds like some sort of interference - a longer aerial may amplify it!!
Good luck, hope you can get some sense out of that tunecast.
Posted: 2006-02-14 01:18:27
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Well, it worked.
The reception was still crackly, and there was some background noise, but once the volume of the music was turned up it was quite good.
I even plugged in my PSP and played Pro Evo 5 soccer through my cars stereo speakers.
It looks a bit crap in the car however, having a phone / PSP, Tunecast, car adaptor, 1.5m cable and in the case of the phone, a 3.5mm adaptor - lots of wires everywhere !
Posted: 2006-02-14 15:25:53
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somehow "wireless" never seems to be actually wire free
Still it's sort of good news. That gells more with my experience of the tunecast. Not brilliant, but works.
Posted: 2006-02-15 01:49:52
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Exactly, wireless my bum.
Posted: 2006-02-15 17:54:30
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