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Shima Posts: 36

On 2002-11-20 18:40, [C]yNo$ wrote:
how much do u charge for the whole thing ? include the keypand and all ?

I don't sell the whole thing, thats the problem..
Posted: 2002-11-21 05:55:00
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Shima Posts: 36

The whole thing with Original battery would cost a lot, thats why I don't offer it.
Posted: 2002-11-21 05:56:00
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Shima Posts: 36

Hey Floatlite, whatup with the Infrared?
I got DOA, Damaged On Delivery exchange policy.
If you don't like it, send it back, I'll exchange.
Posted: 2002-11-21 07:28:00
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floatlite Posts: 486

LOL, well the IR bit is held on with a wee stub of plastic in the moulding and it came off in the padded envelope you sent it to me in, i clipped it back on but it was loose.

I removed it again now and its A1 ok tiny drop of Superglue sorted it out, perfect now. Thanks for the offer of taking it back mate, very good of you. but its defo A1 now, i dont like wasting you time for a simple little think like that

Posted: 2002-11-23 23:34:00
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gpsydney Posts: 20

Just in case you guys want a reference on Shima's covers... I had one shipped to Australia and quality is A+++.

If only I hadn't dropped it two days after I put it on the phone

Any discounts for repeat business Shima??

Posted: 2002-11-24 01:33:00
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gpsydney Posts: 20

Shima... forgot to ask.... can you get silver T68i faceplate? (Silver like the Arctic blue face... but Mineral Grey (ish) in place of the Artic Blue). It's kind of like your Mineral Grey faceplate only reversed.

Posted: 2002-11-24 01:36:00
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Allan Posts: 1

shima.... do u send to singapore too? i'm interested in ur mineral grey face plate... and roughly how much would it cost and the mode of payment.... Thanks....
Posted: 2002-11-24 06:20:00
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Shima Posts: 36

On 2002-11-24 06:20, Allan wrote:
shima.... do u send to singapore too? i'm interested in ur mineral grey face plate... and roughly how much would it cost and the mode of payment.... Thanks....

Check your PM
Posted: 2002-11-24 07:57:00
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Shima Posts: 36

Check your PM too
Posted: 2002-11-24 07:59:00
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Shima Posts: 36


Ok, Thank You for quality pics, man
It's been my pleasure doing business with You!
Posted: 2002-11-24 08:05:00
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