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On 2007-08-07 18:10:49, DragonEye wrote:
mine was the standard basic pack.. with 512 card...
and guys for better battery life turn off the 3g if you don't use it...
But if one turns off 3G only gprs can be used. Or does it support EDGE / Hi-speed internet ?(as with the n95) To be stuck with Gprs only is like going back in time
Posted: 2007-09-03 06:13:21
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how stable is the operating system of the p1i compared of the p990i ?
Posted: 2007-09-10 08:50:17
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On 2007-09-10 08:50:17, jesal wrote:
how stable is the operating system of the p1i compared of the p990i ?
Although i was lucky and had a good P990i, my P1i has NEVER crashed with me. It is also quick switching between applications.
I havent installed Swiss Manager as my P1i just doesnt need it.
I am VERY impressed with my P1i and recommend it to anyone (who can handle a P-series)
Posted: 2007-09-10 13:45:40
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@mario, too bad it doesn't have edge, i need it badly though
Posted: 2007-09-10 17:37:58
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which phone is best p1 or w960i???
Posted: 2007-09-18 13:24:50
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definitively I am determined to buy one P1

, that phone is mazing
Posted: 2007-09-20 03:08:58
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It is amazing, indeed.
But has a lot of downsides, like no EDGE.
Here in america is just unbelievable that they didnt include EDGE in the package.
I mean, is just a small P990 on steroids.
I guess the W960 will be far better.
Posted: 2007-09-27 21:24:30
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The W960 is basically the same phone with:
-flush screen
-walkman 3.0 software
-phone keypad (no qwerty)
-slightly thinner
Except for that, the specs are the same: processor, RAM, camera, OS, radios.
Posted: 2007-09-27 22:01:41
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Thanks - excellent review and info
Posted: 2007-12-18 12:32:41
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I realize I may be asking a stupid question here...but I noticed in the pics that you have the P1i looking like a MacBook. What is this exactly?? I have a MacBook and if a P1i can look like this then I'm buying one tomorrow!
Posted: 2008-01-29 15:00:58
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