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> scottt
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I think it's just a case of buyer (or seller!) beware, imho forums are one of the most hazardous of places to trade in, eBay does have a few shysters but there are more checks and balances in place and more chance of getting your money back.
The AZOTT is a big help in forum trading though still, as said it helps in making a decision on whether to trade with someone - though there's nothing to stop me advertising a phone I haven't got then dissapearing with the money.
Or perhaps not. I follow/am followed by quite a few regulars from here both on Twitter and Facebook, so I wouldn't be that hard to track down and bought to justice!
I hope Waibun and Scottt get this sorted though, it does make me wonder though what would make a previously trusted trader go 'bad' (Not that I'm saying Scottt has btw

) as I've seen that happen a few times on here before.
Posted: 2010-02-02 22:27:12
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Scott and I are currently sorting something out, if it all works out this should be wrapped up by the weekend. He has kept in contact with me all the time and i hope it does work out.
Posted: 2010-02-02 22:30:26
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Posted: 2010-02-02 22:33:21
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My past comment may have also been taken out of the context in which I meant it.
What I'm saying is that Esato has been great for me... Found a load of great deals and that and I've met some really nice people. However, I meant that speaking to scottt regularly on twitter influenced my decision to trust him with a deal... Had I made the decision based purely on the A-Z it would have been a no.
What I meant is that interacting with people outside of the forum gives me a better idea about the person.
No disrespect meant to any members and of course to Mik who spends his own time keeping it updated (smashing job mate!)
Posted: 2010-02-02 23:13:25
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Posted: 2010-02-03 00:04:18
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@fatreg LMFAO
Posted: 2010-02-03 00:05:29
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On 2010-02-02 19:10:54, MWEB wrote:
Esato elite.
Just wondering how you get to join? Is there lots of funny handshakes, and suchlikes.
Hope this gets sorted soon.
Posted: 2010-02-03 12:19:47
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On 2010-02-03 12:19:47, pmerryman wrote:
On 2010-02-02 19:10:54, MWEB wrote:
Esato elite.
Just wondering how you get to join? Is there lots of funny handshakes, and suchlikes.
Hope this gets sorted soon.
With the likes of myself, Fatreg, Nanu and Burgaz in the club, a funny handshake would be the least of your worries
Posted: 2010-02-03 12:52:51
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On 2007-03-03 18:32:52, masseur wrote:
but what makes a person VERY trusted? Rookwise has +26 -0 feedback so I would consider him very trusted but that doens't mean a very trusted person wouldn't go off with the money and the phone!
A snippet of what Masseur had to say when Rookwise was in a similar situation...
It is very hard to judge a persons character in an online world, but so far in my experience with the people I have met with or spoken to on the phone my judgement has been quite correct.
In this instance, I find Scott to be a person of good character but have witnessed first hand his wayward tendencies as in the case with Doug. As I regard myself as a friend of both Doug and Scott, I offered to do what I could to ease but perhaps not resolve the situation.
I have kept quiet about this until now as I didn't intend to get involved or slur Scott's name unfairly as it was between Doug and himself, and wasn't my place to do so.
That said and knowing what I know, I would trade with Scott tomorrow and wouldn't hesitate. I do hope and believe he will sort this incident out with Walibun_Lee.
And as for the 'Elite Club' I am a member and proud to be so, that DOES NOT mean I think any less of the rest of you....
Posted: 2010-02-03 13:08:06
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On 2010-02-03 12:52:51, MWEB wrote:
On 2010-02-03 12:19:47, pmerryman wrote:
On 2010-02-02 19:10:54, MWEB wrote:
Esato elite.
Just wondering how you get to join? Is there lots of funny handshakes, and suchlikes.
Hope this gets sorted soon.
With the likes of myself, Fatreg, Nanu and Burgaz in the club, a funny handshake would be the least of your worries
I don't ever re-call getting invited to this 'ere Elite, but that said. I do deal with Buggers, Nanu and MWEB well outside of Esato and all is fair, I even sent Nanu a phone the other day without seeing pics of a phone I was getting back from him (that's love for you!!) but like all of you, we all had to start somewhere, I too had a bad patch a few years back, where my postal skills were less than ideal and as a result have a few -ve's for it, not ideal but you should see I've moved on, I now post when I say I will if not before etc etc... I love trading here on Esato, there's some bargains to be had..
Communication is key though.. a text/email/PM doesn't go a miss, I had a deal a few weeks back where the seller couldn't post out when he said, but a simple text explaining such was all cool and things were sent as and when he could..
Likewise, I've never had any issues with Scott, hope this all get resolves pronto so we call all go back to being one big Esato happy family....
Posted: 2010-02-03 13:16:28
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