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Yeah I was a school when I got that phone. I think I was the first person to get a mobile in my school....
Posted: 2002-05-09 00:05:00
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I was 18 when i got my first phone in 1992 and was the first person where I worked to have a mobile and out of all my mates.
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Posted: 2002-05-09 00:08:00
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That's good feeling I think to have something before everyone else
Posted: 2002-05-09 00:09:00
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Definately. Thats why I like to be first with the latest and greatest mobile, besides the fact that I love 'em!
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Posted: 2002-05-09 00:13:00
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Yeah me and you are on the same wave lenth!!!, I spend about £10 a month on Mobile mags as well.
Posted: 2002-05-09 00:15:00
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I have to make do with finding things on the net, my wife thinks mobile magazines are too much temptation for me. ha
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Posted: 2002-05-09 00:20:00
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hahaha ha.. That's why I'm not married
Posted: 2002-05-09 00:22:00
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Sometimes it can be a bind I tell you. Wouldn't be without her though, she's a good wife really and I've got her into getting nice phones!
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Posted: 2002-05-09 00:25:00
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ha ha . Thats good then..
Posted: 2002-05-09 00:31:00
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Priorities lol
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Posted: 2002-05-09 00:34:00
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