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> Changing Usernames (General Discussion) TrigLynx Diagnostic inside!
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i just changed mine. u login using the new username, and the password remain the same
Posted: 2004-09-28 17:49:15
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On 2004-09-28 11:07:38, plasmadog wrote:
hey stupid question,
if the username is changed... do we have to login with the new username ? and does the password remain the same too?
Yeah you login with new username and the password stays the same.
Go to 'edit preferences' and 'store username and password in a cookie for 1 year' because laffen will send you a pm when hes changed it and if you stayed logged on then you will know straight aay that its been changed and if you dont then when you try to login with old username it wont work then you will no its chaged...up to you
Posted: 2004-09-28 17:50:56
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People like me are unique, we have a special feature, its called TrigLynx.
With the help of my doctor, Dr Meths, we have compiled a diagnostic for TrigLynx:
Triglynx (triggusidiotiasmaximuslynxius) is a newly discovered condition, although its suspected that it has been around for a long time in some form or other. It occurs mostly amongst internet chatroom and discussion forum users, although cases have been reported amongst diminutive Eightie's pop singers. What exactly triggers it, no one knows, but it is believed to be linked to Halliwell Syndrome, a terrible debilitating disease, sufferers of which has an insane, uncontrollable urge to want to fit in and be popular. Invariably they fail, and die a horrible, friendless death.
Symptoms include manic depressiveness, a lapse in sexual activity, and eating gross amounts of fatty foods. Also, sufferers have been know to repeat a strange phrase over and over, almost a chant. It goes something like this:
"whyhasntlaffenpmdme whyhasntlaffenpmdme
whyhasntlaffenpmdme" and so on, until the sufferer falls into a deep sleep, and eventually dies.
There is no cure, as of yet. Unfortunately, many people do succumb to this horrible condition, a minor reprieve can be give, which is changing their username, but it only lasts for around 3 months, before the symptoms begin again, and the chanting can be heard.
We are working on the cure and are very close to cracking this mystery, as soon as we have we will anounce it.
Posted: 2004-11-24 22:02:24
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i'm changing mine to DMX anyway
Wow 1550+ posts....
>>*Trader's Guild* [url=" TARGET="_blank] V525+T310 to trade
[ This Message was edited by: 50Cent on 2004-11-24 21:06 ]
Posted: 2004-11-24 22:05:02
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50Cent is an ideal case to study.
He has the main symtoms of TrigLynx has he is wanted to change his username for his 3rd time.
Posted: 2004-11-24 22:09:15
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3rd and FINAL i might add.
Posted: 2004-11-24 22:10:34
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Yes, his case is verging on terminal...i believe we need to find a cure, as soon as possible. I've found a snippet in an old college medical dictionary that may prove helpful:
"One solution is to act utterly confused about who's posting what, once they have changed their name"
Interesting...if we act like its going to cause massive confusion, maybe the patient will decide against the name change!
Posted: 2004-11-24 23:03:27
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[ This Message was edited by: emporium on 2012-12-24 11:16 ]
Posted: 2011-08-12 22:42:49
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PM a mod
Posted: 2011-08-12 23:03:18
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