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HĀ”! every one in this forum are you good
This message was posted from a B2150
Posted: 2009-03-10 06:59:06
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Ahlan cnx kayna
This message was posted from a 6070
Posted: 2009-03-31 23:05:40
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Ati simtit cutremurul? La Iasi s-a simtit destul de tare!
Posted: 2009-04-25 20:28:31
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Ce este nou īn Romānia?
Posted: 2009-05-13 09:16:36
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ce mai faceti fratilor?
am un k850 si sincer m-a dezamagit rau de tot avand o groaza de buguri, vreau sa-mi iau un tel nou:m-am gandit la Samsung innov8.Are cineva de pe aici innov8?Pozele scoase de innov8 ziua sunt super tari,dar noaptea nu-mi plac deloc.Vreau sa stiu cum se aude in casti, se aude mai tare sau macar la fel ca un k850 cu acustice modate?bateria cat tine?
Posted: 2009-06-07 17:54:48
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hi i'm from morroco & i want key digi tv in satellite thor.? plz you have internet put www.najmsat.com or www.soirnet.com. send keys to my PM...plz
This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2009-07-27 07:37:49
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I know voltaj (singer) he has a great music
This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2009-07-28 19:44:39
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Am vazut multe ceasuri superbe pe
Am postat acest anunt, pentru ca particip la un concurs pe
www.topceas.ro, si sper sa castig un ceas cool. Acest mesaj nu e spam, va spun sincer. Mai multe informatii gasiti aici
Ceasurile sunt originale, la preturi foarte bune. Sper sa nu fac rau cu anuntul asta, si poate unul dintre voi are nevoie de un ceas fain..
(daca vreti sa va incercati norocul, "jucati" si voi - oricum nu e mare lucru de facut, numa postat linku' de mai sus)
daca cumva castig, adresa e
Salut, si sper sa va mai gasesc in topicul UIQ
Posted: 2009-09-11 22:21:58
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Hello..ce se mai intampla pe aici?
long time ,...no posts..
ce telef mai aveti?
Posted: 2011-01-27 07:45:15
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pfff... ce trec anii..
eu am trecut la Android... si oleaca iOS
Posted: 2013-01-01 19:57:08
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