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On 2014-03-13 01:42:41, angryman wrote:
Supplier issues but not qualcom?
Samsung sabotaging the z2 launch so they can get a month headstart?
You heard it here first.
Is it just a guess or do you have inside info ???
Posted: 2014-03-13 04:09:31
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I'm assuming that if they are having issues with a supplier and it's not qualcom then it would probably be the 3gb Samsung ram.
I have no inside info.
Posted: 2014-03-13 04:20:56
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wanting some advice, I've been able to upgrade for 2 months now, but have held out for the z2
this delay means I could wait up to another 2 months, is it worth it or just go with the z1?
Posted: 2014-03-13 05:11:18
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On 2014-03-12 21:43:43, jjjajjj wrote:
On 2014-03-12 20:09:49, Xajel wrote:
Is the release only in UAE or GCC wide ?
GCC of course
This is relaxing, I hope my carrier will get it soon, or I'll have to save a little, sell my S4 and get it cash which will be better if I could afford it in this time, the problem is the S4 price now is less than half the cost of new Z2
Posted: 2014-03-13 06:35:19
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On 2014-03-13 03:08:34, Ermac84 wrote:
So Z2 will be released in UAE end of March or April? Also, any news if Jumbo Electronics and other retailers will be taking pre-orders as far as you lnow?
End of March
I think "official Sony retailers" will start take pre-order now
Posted: 2014-03-13 10:30:15
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Impressive picture samples from Z2! Much better than Z1
Posted: 2014-03-13 10:43:24
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On 2014-03-13 01:42:41, angryman wrote:
Supplier issues but not qualcom?
Samsung sabotaging the z2 launch so they can get a month headstart?
You heard it here first.
That would be very stupid, why sabotage a customer who is barely a threat? If sabotage is what they wanted to do, Apple would be number one, but that would not make sense as customers can always change suppliers, Samsung wouldn't want to damage the reputation they've built-up with their excellent memory chips.
They may be having difficulty building 3GB RAM chips, hence why the S5 got a 2GB, that's plausible, but sabotage? That's ridiculous.
Posted: 2014-03-13 10:49:52
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On 2014-03-13 10:49:52, Tsepz_GP wrote:
On 2014-03-13 01:42:41, angryman wrote:
Supplier issues but not qualcom?
Samsung sabotaging the z2 launch so they can get a month headstart?
You heard it here first.
That would be very stupid, why sabotage a customer who is barely a threat? If sabotage is what they wanted to do, Apple would be number one, but that would not make sense as customers can always change suppliers, Samsung wouldn't want to damage the reputation they've built-up with their excellent memory chips.
They may be having difficulty building 3GB RAM chips, hence why the S5 got a 2GB, that's plausible, but sabotage? That's ridiculous.
You talking about the people that stopped supplying HTC amoled displays because they were becoming too successful?
How many of Samsung's top management have been in jail again?
When you can't beat them, cheat them.
Posted: 2014-03-13 11:16:15
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On 2014-03-13 11:16:15, Away wrote:
On 2014-03-13 10:49:52, Tsepz_GP wrote:
On 2014-03-13 01:42:41, angryman wrote:
Supplier issues but not qualcom?
Samsung sabotaging the z2 launch so they can get a month headstart?
You heard it here first.
That would be very stupid, why sabotage a customer who is barely a threat? If sabotage is what they wanted to do, Apple would be number one, but that would not make sense as customers can always change suppliers, Samsung wouldn't want to damage the reputation they've built-up with their excellent memory chips.
They may be having difficulty building 3GB RAM chips, hence why the S5 got a 2GB, that's plausible, but sabotage? That's ridiculous.
You talking about the people that stopped supplying HTC amoled displays because they were becoming too successful?
How many of Samsung's top management have been in jail again?
When you can't beat them, cheat them.
Oh yes, I remember HTCs little excuse, it amounted to nothing.
So I guess if Sony runs into any trouble now, the motto here is blame Samsung? This is now the new excuse, I get it.
Posted: 2014-03-13 11:27:07
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On 2014-03-13 11:27:07, Tsepz_GP wrote:
On 2014-03-13 11:16:15, Away wrote:
On 2014-03-13 10:49:52, Tsepz_GP wrote:
On 2014-03-13 01:42:41, angryman wrote:
Supplier issues but not qualcom?
Samsung sabotaging the z2 launch so they can get a month headstart?
You heard it here first.
That would be very stupid, why sabotage a customer who is barely a threat? If sabotage is what they wanted to do, Apple would be number one, but that would not make sense as customers can always change suppliers, Samsung wouldn't want to damage the reputation they've built-up with their excellent memory chips.
They may be having difficulty building 3GB RAM chips, hence why the S5 got a 2GB, that's plausible, but sabotage? That's ridiculous.
You talking about the people that stopped supplying HTC amoled displays because they were becoming too successful?
How many of Samsung's top management have been in jail again?
When you can't beat them, cheat them.
Oh yes, I remember HTCs little excuse, it amounted to nothing.
So I guess if Sony runs into any trouble now, the motto here is blame Samsung? This is now the new excuse, I get it.
How much get you paid from Samsung?
Posted: 2014-03-13 12:27:04
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