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what is Whabism ?
what do they teach ?
Islam is Islam, we beleive in on Allah (God) and that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the final messenger.
Thos who beleive the above are Muslims, sects are allover but they still beleive in the same principal.
Posted: 2009-01-22 16:56:52
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Well many of the most evil people in history im sure believed in a god but that fact didn't exactly justify their crimes did it. Anyway as for your question...
Wahabism is the branch of Sunni Islam which is the official religion of Saudi Arabia. It was founded by Wahab, an 18th century literalist, who some equate to a Puritan or revivalist figure. It became the official religion of Saudi Arabia. It is particularly intolerant of Shia and Sufi faiths which it considers heretical.
It is basically a sect of the faith that takes a hard line on many things especially those who do not agree with their ideals. In short its a throw back to a simple life that existed in the early desert dwellers days.
I first heard of it when watching the Undercover Mosque documentary on C4 a few years ago. What happend was a lot of the textbooks that kids were being taught with were being imported from Saudi Arabia and were found to contain quite strong beliefs and sections remminicent of wahabism.
The documentary itself was quite contraversial becasue the imams were making such shocking statements. Here are a few:
Dr. Ijaz Mian on the subject of non-Muslim laws: “You cannot accept the rule of the kaffir [non-Muslim]…[w]e have to rule ourselves and we have to rule the others.”
Abu Usamah saying of apostates: “If the imam wants to crucify him he should crucify him. The person is put up on the wood and he's left there to bleed to death for three days."
Abu Usamah speaking on the deficiency of women's minds: “Allah has created the woman, even if she gets a PhD, deficient. Her intellect is incomplete, deficient. She may be suffering from hormones that will make her emotional. It takes two witnesses of a woman to equal the one witness of the man.”
Abdullah el-Faisal: “You have to bomb the Indian businesses, and as for the Jews you kill them physically.”
Advocates violent Jihad against the non-muslims and predicting that an army of Muslims will arise against the non-muslims in England.
Dr Bilal Philips on marriage with girls before puberty: “The prophet Muhammad practically outlined the rules regarding marriage prior to puberty. With his practice, he clarified what is permissible, and that is why we shouldn't have any issues about an older man marrying a younger woman, which is looked down upon by this society today, but we know that Prophet Mohammed practised it, it wasn’t abuse or exploitation, it was marriage.
Calls for the overthrow of the British government and democracy.[7] “[T]hey will fight in the cause of Allah. I encourage all of you to be from amongst them, to begin to cultivate ourselves for the time that is fast approaching where the tables are going to turn and the Muslims are going to be in the position of being uppermost in strength, and when that happens, people won’t get killed – unjustly.
Al Jibali: “By the age of ten, it becomes an obligation on us to force her to wear hijab, and if she doesn’t wear hijab, we hit her.
Abu Usamah saying that homosexuals should be killed by throwing them off a cliff, stating “throw [the homosexual] off the mountain.
Now im not sure how widespread these teachings are (the docs were films in Birmingham I think) but it doesn't look well on Islam as a whole of these kind of things are being taught to children.
Now im sure most muslims will argue they are peace loving and in the Quaran it doesn't say any of this but the fact is that these thins ARE being taught. People from SA are manipulating the Quarans and manipulating translations in order to justify their hardline beliefs. This is why so many are opposed to Sharia Law being introduced in Britain.
[ This Message was edited by: bavlondon2 on 2009-01-22 16:12 ]
Posted: 2009-01-22 17:11:00
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as far as i know that documentary was investigated and what CH4 showed was editted in full to show all the misquotes.
No matter what the media want to show or say, Islam is a peaceful religion and you cannot feel the peace until you have tasted the religion or entered it, many new muslims join the faith on a daily basis because it teaches them how to live this short life.
A must see video on youtube:
Why the west is entering islam by Dr Zakir Naik,
NUMBER 1 - A-Z TRADERS [ This Message was edited by: PeterKay on 2009-01-22 17:00 ]
Posted: 2009-01-22 17:53:27
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They were taken out of context yes but that doesn'tchange the fact that Imams were films and recorded saying those very things I quoted does it?
Posted: 2009-01-22 18:11:17
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watch this video
as he knows what he is talking about:
then come back with any comments.
Posted: 2009-01-22 18:26:41
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PK Is that not the same link you posted before? I watched it.
To anyone out there living in Saudi Arabia if you can comment on my question on wahabism I would be most grateful.
PK sorry I guess as your from the UK you cannot really answer that.
Posted: 2009-01-22 18:32:07
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so you've watched that video?
any comments!
Posted: 2009-01-22 18:53:44
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naveedaziz83 Posts: > 500
Peace to all
I have lived in Saudi Arabia and have been called a wahabi numerous time whenever I go to Pakistan. Personally, if some asks me whether I am wahabi, I say no, I am a Muslim. It is as simple as that. These different sectors in Islam were not at the time of the Prophet (PBUH) and are all man made, taking into consideration personal interests. I do not believe in sectors but sadly, it is a reality that we Muslims have to face.
What is wahabism? Any one who follows the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet and refrains from practicing any type of innovation (customs which were not present at the time of the Prophet (PBUH) or are not authentic). To me, this is what true Islam is. Following the Quran and the advise of the Prophet (PBUH) but people have attached a label to it, wahabism. People think that if you follow the Quran and the Teachings, you are a wahabi and vice versa. I have lived in Saudi Arabia for 18 years, and believe me, I have not any type of wrong educations and principles and teachings being practiced their. The best example I can give you is regarding the annual pilgrimage, knows as "Hajj". I am sure you are aware of it and might have heard or read about it somewhere. Muslims from many parts of the world gather there to worship God. The Saudi Government does not go around arresting people who are practicing Islam and praying in a manner which are against what they know. I have seen people praying with open hands, with hands tied to their chest, hands tied to their naval according to their beliefs and yet all of these people, despite being from different sectors, are standing together and offering prayers. There is only one religion and that is Islam. Rest are just different man made sectors, nothing else. With all due respect to Christianity and Christians out there, there are also atleast 3 sectors (which I know of), Catholic, Baptist and i cant remember the third one. So sectors are present in every religion with the same principle but different executions.
I have not seen the documentary so can't comment on that but I will comment on some of the issues that you have brought forward.
1. Rule of Kafir
At the time of the Prophet (PBUH), whenever the Prophet (PBUH) went to war with a nation, before the war starts, three choices are presented to head of that nation.
1. Accept Islam or
2. Give Tax or
3. Fight
Though many accept Islam, some opt for giving tax others go for battle. After the battle, if Muslims win the battle, they do not change the legal system of that tribe or village. The Prophet (PBUH) himself ordered some of his companions to migrate to Ethiopia which was ruled by a non-Muslim (He later accepted Islam).
2. Education for Women
Islam emphasizes great importance to the education of woman. After the death of the Prophet (PBUH), the followers used to come to the wife of the Prophet (PBUH) to inquire about issues to get advice. The Prophet (PBUH) himself had set a single day solely for the purpose of educating woman. Because a child learns everything from the mother, since the bond of mother and baby is much much much stronger than bond of fatherhood. Therefore it is very important that a woman is properly educated so that she can help build a happy household.
Bombing Indian business and killing is just rubbish. Time and time again it has been said that Islam denounces the killing of human being, whether he be muslim or non-muslim. The blood of a human being is very sacred in the eyes of God, which should not be shed without the proper reasons.
Yes the legal age in Islam for a woman to be married is puberty but that does not mean one has to do it. It is not strict as being shown by the comments you wrote. Regarding the issues about older men marrying young woman, there is no ruling about this in Islam. It is all about personal taste. Islam only defined the rule on marriage, how to perform marriage and when to perform marriage. Islam did not specified that the bride has to be this much younger than the groom to be married.
Homosexuality is considered a Sin in Islam and like every other sin, there is a punishment for it.
There are always black sheeps among the herd of white and for a few of them, you cannot blame the entire community. Again, without meaning any disrespect to my fellow Christian brothers, I have heard many times in the news about preachers performing sexual acts with young kids both males and females. But that does not make Christianity bad does it. Or the act of one christian does not make the entire community bad. Extremists, fundamentalists are found in every religion and every part of the world. And I understand the confusion. As I mentioned earlier, the basic principle of Islam is the same among all the sectors but some of the other rules which are build on top are different among sectors. So in a sense, there are many different versions of Islam, all saying different things which should not be happening. So who should we trust. According to me, the best source is the Quran and then the Teachings of Prophet (PBUH) because Quran has been unaltered from centuries and contains all the basic guidelines of how a Muslim should live his life. Any deviation from that is merely an interpretation which is as good as the interpreter.
I hope I was able to answer your query to the best of my knowledge. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
God knows the best
Peace to all
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[ This Message was edited by: naveedaziz83 on 2009-01-23 06:49 ]
Posted: 2009-01-23 07:48:40
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Thanks for that detailed reply. I guess there will always be a few that like to take things to the extreme and that results in a bad name for everyone else.
Posted: 2009-01-24 11:11:13
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naveedaziz83 Posts: > 500
yes that is true. We should not be hasty in judging something, specially religion by seeing some bad actions or comments made by some people. All the moral values thought by all the religions is peace. It is we, humans, that give them a bad name.
Posted: 2009-01-24 14:58:55
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