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Tsepz_GP Posts: > 500

The same amount Sony pays you.
Posted: 2014-03-13 12:31:27
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CrownedAkuma Posts: > 500

On 2014-03-13 12:31:27, Tsepz_GP wrote:
The same amount Sony pays you.

Ahahahah! Good answer... touche, I'd say...

C'mon guys, surely big companies are not fluffy sweet sheeps, and they are always cheating when possible...
but this would be TOO MUCH! it would mean BAD publicity not only with other OEMs but even with the consumers (at least with the ones more well informed). and also it is true, Sony is not the big deal anymore, they are just an annoying bee to the eye of Samsung executives... Apple is the only real big player able to fight against Samsung in termss of Mobile market... at least for now!
We should wait for OFFICIAL info from Sony and then starting speculation!
Posted: 2014-03-13 12:44:15
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itsjustJOH Posts: > 500

@kurtdean Full res please?
Posted: 2014-03-13 13:38:24
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xenia Posts: 363

On 2014-03-13 10:43:24, kurtdean wrote:

Impressive picture samples from Z2! Much better than Z1

I don't think so. Out of focus and washed out. Full res at the clove review.
Posted: 2014-03-13 13:54:59
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CrownedAkuma Posts: > 500

On 2014-03-13 13:54:59, xenia wrote:

On 2014-03-13 10:43:24, kurtdean wrote:

Impressive picture samples from Z2! Much better than Z1

I don't think so. Out of focus and washed out. Full res at the clove review.

Me too.. they do not look as sharp and vivid as they could be... they are out of focus

BTW here the link for the review and more pics...[....]campaign=sony-xperia-z2-review
here the full res pics

[ This Message was edited by: CrownedAkuma on 2014-03-13 13:46 ]

Posted: 2014-03-13 14:41:46
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itsjustJOH Posts: > 500

Most photos look soft, but this one looks too much. Just zoom in on the right side of the photo.

Posted: 2014-03-13 14:48:10
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Gitaroo Posts: > 500

on the plus side, all the compression artifacts are almost completely gone.
Posted: 2014-03-13 20:05:59
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CrownedAkuma Posts: > 500

On 2014-03-13 20:05:59, Gitaroo wrote:
on the plus side, all the compression artifacts are almost completely gone.

Yes... that is true! There are no white sparkles and strange greyish dots... it could be a start
Posted: 2014-03-13 20:30:02
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janne_145 Posts: 5

Im always use lightroom so these pictures aint no problem for me hehe
Posted: 2014-03-13 21:14:06
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ascariss Posts: > 500

Algorithm is definitely improved, ahead of the current Z1 for sure. I'd say very very close to a standard compact point and shoot.

The device clove used seems to be running different camera software again, 17.1.A.0.289_9_b100

b100 vs f200 on the shots from japan, in fact it seems it's a different phone firmware as well 17.1.A.0.504_9_f200, seems to be older going by the numbers.

Hmm the night shots from japan were also on diff firmware, 17.1.A.0.470_9_f200 but prob same camera firmware.
Posted: 2014-03-13 22:13:31
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