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On 2007-01-02 12:04:32, etaab wrote:
@ max_wedge - thanks for your input. Ive never been able to perform what Prom1 has claimed either except for once when i managed to get my K700i to bluejack a S700i from about 50m away.
If you'd like to me tell more, just say.
Do tell etaab!
Posted: 2007-01-06 15:59:32
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I here people talking about sending bitchslaps on phones via blutooth. What exactly is it.
Also i went to the movies but i found only 2 LG phones one was my friends and the other was leaving the building.

I have to blujack another time.
[ This Message was edited by: SE4NICK on 2007-01-07 05:40 ]
Posted: 2007-01-07 00:53:43
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LMAO @ that story.
Posted: 2007-01-10 01:20:09
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Did that at a conference once, sent stuff to random people who hadnt turned off their fones while i was bored, you could just hear everyones pockets vibrating and people staring at each other. Hilarious how people dont even know how to turn off their bluetooth, then they wonder y their fone dies so fast.
Posted: 2007-01-11 07:55:05
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On 2007-01-10 01:20:09, sick_unit wrote:
LMAO @ that story.
@sick_unit ive don better bluejacking than you'll ever do just check on the
2-3 pages before this and you will see my first movie story and my video ezy story.
I here people talking about sending bitchslaps on phones via blutooth. What exactly is it.
[ This Message was edited by: SE4NICK on 2007-01-12 01:52 ]
[ This Message was edited by: SE4NICK on 2007-01-12 01:53 ]
Posted: 2007-01-12 02:50:38
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Residentevil Posts: > 500
NO victims in the coffee shop today.
Posted: 2007-01-13 22:43:39
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Alguém tem videos da música?
Posted: 2007-01-13 23:52:25
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Nice to see this thread still active after 4+ years...
Posted: 2007-01-14 11:18:56
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@ajack: you shall be proud of it!
Posted: 2007-01-14 20:15:49
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im going 10 pin bowling on thursday so i will see what i can find there, i will report back then
Posted: 2007-01-15 01:08:11
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