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Asalam o alaikum _ kaifa al haal brother Naveed --- kullo tammam ?
This message was posted from a N70
Posted: 2009-01-26 14:45:56
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naveedaziz83 Posts: > 500
walaikum as Salam warah matullah ya akhi nabeel
alhamdolillah .. kullu tamma hina .. kaif ant ..?
Posted: 2009-01-27 01:47:34
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Me too ... alhamdolillah . You speak great Arabic ...
This message was posted from a N70
Posted: 2009-01-27 13:42:02
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naveedaziz83 Posts: > 500
alhamdolillah ... still in the learning process
Posted: 2009-01-27 15:21:35
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Taken from iengage.co.uk
ENGAGE has prepared a number of resources for individuals to make use of to ensure that the loss of 1,400 Palestinian lives during the recent heavy bombardment of Gaza is not forgotten and any crimes committed by Israel fully investigated. Where crimes are proven to have been committed we must insist that those responsible be prosecuted, be they ministers or soldiers.
You can play your part by:
Downloading a copy of the video (use link below) and circulating it widely. Take a copy of it along to your MP's surgery and ask that s/he watch the scale and horror of the massacre of innocents in Gaza. Let her/him know that you would like to know what measures the British government took to dissuade and deter the Israelis from committing these horrendous acts.
Download Video (Use right click and then 'Save Target as...')
Print off the ENGAGE
sample letter to MPs/MEPs and insist that your representative provide a detailed response to the questions raised.
Print off a copy of the ENGAGE
Khutbah on Gaza and ask your local mosque administration board to devote a Jumu'ah khutbah to the topic of Gaza and the actions Muslims must take to ensure this never happens again.
Print off a copy of the ENGAGE
open letter to the Foreign Secretary and ask your local mosque to display it prominently for others to read. And use it as a guide in drafting your own letter to the Foreign Secretary.
Finally, counter the misapprehensions of the Palestine-Israeli conflict among the general British population by downloading the
ENGAGE leaflet '8 things the media won't tell you about Gaza and the West Bank' and photocopying it for wide distribution. Hand it out in your town centres and other places, and counter the media bias of what happened in Gaza, and Palestine.
It is imperative that we now seek answers to the questions of whether Israel violated the Geneva Convention on obstructing humanitarian assistance to civilians and whether it illegally used white phosphorus, a banned weapon, in its bombing campaign. We also need to insist on our government re-thinking our arms sales to Israel and the upgrade of the EU - Israel trade agreement.
If you would like us to send you copy of the ENGAGE Gaza Action Pack for your mosque or community centre to use, please email
info@iengage.org.ukThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it providing your name, details and a full postal address.
Posted: 2009-01-29 14:41:39
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naveedaziz83 Posts: > 500
Asalam o alaikum warah matullah
My first post from saudi arabia. alhamdolillah feels good to be back, to be with my family, to meet old friends and above all, to listen to the sound of azaan .. even though i have listened to azaan in UK, but it was not open. Just inside the mosque. Here at time of prayers, you can hear azaan coming from all directions and it just builds up your imaan and you end up going for prayer.
inshAllah soon will make plans for umrah. will keep in touch
wasalam o alaikum warah matullah
Posted: 2009-01-31 12:37:25
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Mashallah, very lucky brother Naveed
Please make duas for me and my family and the ummah
Allah guide us on the straigt path, aameen
Posted: 2009-01-31 12:50:36
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naveedaziz83 Posts: > 500
ameen sum ameen brother
Posted: 2009-01-31 14:58:53
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Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatahu...
The Azaan was what I loved most about being in Egypt last month... still miss hearing it now...
Enjoy your time in S.A akhi, inshallah...
I'm taking a course next month so thought some might like to check it out also... Its on Aqeedah and is hosted by Al-Maghrib institute, held in a hotel in Earls Court... Full details in the link below...
Our 'aqeedah is the pillar by which our deen stands firm, the fertile land from which all of our actions blossom, and it is the foundation from which all other Islamic sciences grow.
If anyone does decide to go, please let me know so we can meet up inshallah...
Posted: 2009-01-31 16:12:07
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@naveedaziz83, could you post some pics from there? it'll be very kind of you.
Posted: 2009-02-01 05:26:20
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