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> Nokia N70 Review (56k warning)
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stuff magazine says its already out
Posted: 2005-11-05 17:23:00
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does n70 charge the batt within 1.5 h full? it was pretty fast in 6680, was very pleased with that charging time
Posted: 2005-11-05 20:40:06
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how is the keypad? hard?
Posted: 2005-11-06 00:04:00
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yes it's hard, like a 6630's keypad I would say, but it's not like soft at clicking, it's clicky but it doesn't make the clicky sound like a 7610
Posted: 2005-11-08 01:19:49
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what are the things u dont like or miss?
Posted: 2005-11-08 01:25:39
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well miss from what?
I mean the phone is beautiful, but it is very sensitive to scratches (the brushed metal part)
I guess it doesn't matter since I can change the cover myself in the future (i hope)
I like the slider, but I also wish that it was better quality, it feels like it'd slide open if I put it in my pocket.
The curse of having a nice looking phone is that you have to take care of it, and the slightest scratch can make it look crap.
I dont like the chrome dial, mainly because of fingerprints. I personally also like buttons that click.
Hmmm, lets see ... i HATE the way sim cards are put in, they're with this wierd latch thing that you have to break a nail to open.
I guess that~~ no wait, the side camera button seems to be useless, but it's advantage is that if you use that to take a picture it makes sure your fingers are not in the way, whats stupid is that it only works in photo not video mode.
I guess thats about it at the end of the day.
Posted: 2005-11-08 03:50:36
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thx. any idea whats the reason for new connectors in the new nokias?
Posted: 2005-11-08 21:38:30
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i'm told it's because there are two reasons.
(size) so it'll save a bit of space, and efficiency. I guess it's more efficient at charging.
Posted: 2005-11-09 04:14:52
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i managed an unlocked 6680, so now back in "nokia-land" again. anyway, n70 will be here released on the 24th of nov, i ll see if itzs really worth to go for it or 6680 will fit my needs aswell.
Posted: 2005-11-09 04:17:43
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yeah I got my N70 unlocked.
Just called voda, but my store in China town does it too now.
Just received confirmation of this.
It's called Abbey Mobile
(is actually a partnership between Fluid Mobile and Abbey Mobile)
Posted: 2005-11-09 04:23:51
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