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goldenface Posts: > 500

@an (dante)

So, not including the W900i, W850 the current crop of are mid-low end?

I'm hoping the next has a more imaginative form-factor, something like the w31s.

I remember when the 1st phone was rumoured, I was a little disappointed to discover that it was just a rebadged K750i.
Posted: 2006-07-10 12:53:14
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dr_thug Posts: > 500

no pic leaks till now??damn either there is no such phone or SE are guarding it well...

btw,i too belive that they released way too much phones.and the new K510,K310 and the many J series etc aint no big releases...just some old technology in ugly designs for upcoming (read:3rd world) countries like mine.
Posted: 2006-07-11 15:25:13
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(An)Dante Posts: 147

Yes, they are! Look at the high-end phones form the competitors:
Nokia uses 240x320 pixels display in the mid-high range, is still dealing with 176x220 or even lower..
Nokia has introduced 3G data for mid-range
Nokia is pushing WiFi in high-end phones. There's no such neither any
Nokia and Samsung has TV-OUT in several models
Nokia and Samsung defines CIF video as default in mid-high range
Samsung has great office file handling in all mid-high phones while Nokia has Series 60 phones for low-price
The low-end W300i walkman has horrible price tag close to the W800i. The W700i is more expensive compared to the W800i and has no Stereo BT support. How come that not all the uses stereo BT?! Small price differences huge specification leaks.

I hope that will finally introduce a with exclusive design and exclusive materials not just these orange plastic brick monsters. Just check out the flagship Walkman, the W950i: 4 GB and great screen packed in an ugly pastic brick. Yearning for better materials and better design.

The great features and well-designed, ergonomic Sony Ericsson menu is not enough to sell the phone. Eye-catching design, premium materials and better media presence are also required.

[ This Message was edited by: (An)Dante on 2006-07-11 15:04 ]
Posted: 2006-07-11 16:00:29
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goldenface Posts: > 500

@an (Dante)

Well now that the low-mid range is bloated with average specced handsets with the Walkman 1.0 UI we might something more interesting and unique coming along.

A high- specced doesn't even have to possess a camera any more does it, now that the ranges are diverging.

The problem is now likes to make dual use of the chassis it designs like it has done with the M600/W950.

Are we going to see a high-end handset with a new form-factor? Hopefully. They might just start padding out the high end.
Posted: 2006-07-11 16:28:54
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fatreg Posts: > 500

its gonna be pink.

i know it.

Posted: 2006-07-11 16:31:47
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goldenface Posts: > 500


I hope not.
Posted: 2006-07-11 17:10:21
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(An)Dante Posts: 147

Even though the chassis are reused the phones should have better design, not this bulky anymore. I hope that there will be a premium line with premium materials like Nokia 8800 but not wit limited spec (eg. 8800 = 6230i with worth camera and without card slot)

The product lines are dividing. The line is shifting to be music oriented. This is why only fixed focus cameras are used in those. I don't think that phones without a camera can be sould for the youth!

should balance the portfolio. Mid-spec phones should arrive on mid-price. Low-end phones should be reworked with better UI and should refuse the old platform at all. A very low-end should have been released without even a camera and with some built-in memory and card slot to awaiken the desire in many people.. W950i should have been arrived with at least a fixed-focus camera to be really a leader in it's segment.

should think about it's product line. Only one phone cane capture 320x240 video and it's a not a CyberShot! How is it come??? phones should focus on music, CyberShot should focus on still images and on video capture.
Posted: 2006-07-11 21:35:08
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jmcomms Posts: > 500

A lot of the phones are developed at different times, and you can see how marketing people can then hold something back meaning you get a weird mix of handsets on sale. Some stuff released in a few months might be, technically, older than something else.

Then there are the last minute changes. The W900 wasn't going to be a Walkman phone, so it was a bit of a bodge. It was a Sxxx and designed for video, imaging and gaming. Look at the position of the Walkman button, and the bodged headset with built in radio!

Then we had a few 'end of line' entry level mobiles with the bottle-opener antenna, released long after they were no longer being developed (some with the old charging connector too).

Even the K800 has a few old firmware things (like the 3G symbol and the triangular GPRS symbol instead of G(PRS), E(DGE) and so on. At least it got a few updates, like the improved NetFront browser.

It must be a nightmare for SE, but this is only what has always been the case with companies like Nokia, Motorola, Samsung etc. They had better get used to it. No, WE had better get used to it!
Posted: 2006-07-12 01:12:34
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shaliron Posts: > 500

Well SE have somewhat dug themselves into a hole with mid range phones. The equilavents of the W550's price range are phones with memory expansion. But do you know why the W550 doesn't come with memory exanpsion? The K750 OR W800 would have been overshadowed by the W550 with only a worse camera. So this why they couldn't put a decent screen (which would be 176x220 in this price range) in the K510 for example, cos it would overshadow the W550 and so on so forth. Nokia's been doing a very good job in this department. The 6280 is very cheap at the moment for its feature list and same goes for the 6131 (superb screen) and it's products like the 6111 are actually attractive! SE's mid-low range is ugly.

But before we go off topic, the new will definately be positioned where the W900 was, high-end. I want a leak...
Posted: 2006-07-12 10:06:01
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(An)Dante Posts: 147

SonyEricsson has really defective mid-range. The K310 can be stated as a low-mid phone. And what about the K510? For the same price you can get phones with better screen and memory slot. The K750i is only 25% more expensive and still less than $250.

The proce gap between the W300, W550, W700, W800, W810 is almost nothing however the W300 is stated as a budget while the W810 is a mid-high device. The W900 should have been arrived in a more compact body.

The product lines are unclear. The high-end priced models not offerint more fetatures just a bit more memory. The mid-high range has the best value/price ratio, while the mid-low has the worth.

Posted: 2006-07-12 12:00:19
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