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It's not cruel for the cats to stay indoors, some cats just don't like being outside!
A friend of mine has a cat that only goes out in the evening, she's a nurse so she isn't home through the day. He likes having the house to himself to just mooch about in a cat like fashion.
Get a cat and as long as he has a litter try, he'll be fine to just go out at night!
Posted: 2007-04-20 16:05:12
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On 2007-03-20 03:26:05, miss uk wrote:
On 2007-03-20 00:44:46, london-uk wrote:
Never had a cat myself, but one of my neighbours has two black cats. They never go out (which I find a bit cruel, but have been told by other cat owners that it's quite common for people to have house cats who never go out !?!). The other day my neighbour had left the door open, and one of the cats walked outside and basically freaked out. It didn't know what to do, it was just walking around meowing, and then it went back inside. wtf!
Am I the only one to think that having a cat confined to a flat all the time (literally for its whole life) is a bit cruel, or am I off the mark?
it is a little bit cruel maybe you should report the neighbour to the RSPCA!
There obviously house cats meaning the obvious.....
We have a house cat, she's called Thia and is a pedigree ragdoll. Paid £350 but worth every penny. She goes out in the back garden and is happy enough but we have to keep a close eye though she has no intention of running off. If she ever did get out i can imagine she would panic to death and come back, thats before someone would pick her up and nick her! As she stands out a mile...
Here's a pic....
scott ™ +60, -1 (the negative courtesy of a certain numbnuts named si-egdell)
(formely scott_87)
[ This Message was edited by: scottt on 2007-04-20 15:28 ]
Posted: 2007-04-20 16:27:54
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Awww, she is beautiful.
My cat fell out of the window the other day. From the second floor.
If it wasn't for a neighbour taking her in I don't know what would have happened her.
Posted: 2007-04-20 16:31:55
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Wow what a gorgeous cat! My cat Smudge loves the outdoors, but his sister, before she died, much preferred being inside!
Posted: 2007-04-20 16:35:26
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On 2007-04-20 16:31:55, goldenface wrote:
Awww, she is beautiful.
My cat fell out of the window the other day. From the second floor.
If it wasn't for a neighbour taking her in I don't know what would have happened her.
no damage, I hope? One of my cats was hit by a car 1 1/2 yrs ago - pelvis and hips broken in 6 places, tail ripped off, etc... Was hiding for 2 days just off the road under some dead branches until we found her eventually - couldn't walk obviously, so it's still a mystery how she managed to get there... 2 operations, 8 srews'n'nails, 6 weeks peeing blood, and after 2months she jumped around again as if nothing ever happened (oh, she really hates cars now! good!)... Amazing what some of them take... My old friend itchy had to be x-rayed one day for his lungs, and just so they discovered 15 shotgun pellets all over his body!!! We spent a lot of time with him - he never ever showed any problems!!! And than there's a stray who moved in with us.. She stumbles over a match and is sick for 2 days
a very cute softie...how she survived about a year in the wild I have no idea... it's amazing how individual they all are!
Posted: 2007-04-20 17:34:35
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my parents cat
Posted: 2007-04-20 17:42:13
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@ boba,
Nice! Is that boba v.0.1?
Posted: 2007-04-20 18:03:52
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its an upgrade, they had before 3 times dogs...
Posted: 2007-04-20 18:05:20
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On 2007-04-20 18:05:20, BobaFett wrote:
its an upgrade, they had before 3 times dogs...
an upgrade... Is she on contract or miau-as-you -go (was gonna say "pre-spay"...tsssk)
Posted: 2007-04-20 20:23:58
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she is a very clever one and i usually watch when she is hunting for bugs, birds, really funny
Posted: 2007-04-20 20:27:52
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