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> 20 Greatest Inventions by Muslims
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On 2011-08-23 14:27:46, drewwilliam wrote:
I say Arab countries are one of the lowest countries in education in the world. They spend almost all there money on the army.
Their governments are to blame for that, not the people.
Posted: 2011-08-23 14:36:40
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Like I already said if you read what I wrote I don't care whose fault it is. But its the truth. For someone to say I'm racist for saying the truth just means they don't want to admit I'm right so they make a scapegoat. If I were racist I would say they should be bombed and killed. America only needs a couple hours to tear all of them to nothing. I didn't say that though I said they have contributed virtually nothing to society and proved it, I also explained why. Take it how u want I work with tons of Arabs and most are extremely intelligent but they all have American education.
Posted: 2011-08-23 14:53:42
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We are getting seriously off topic here and more into the politics of why Arabs now lack in innovation today.I was watching a documentary on Islamic Science and innovation just a few weeks back and they tackled the very question as to why Islamic innovations are lack behind today and the answer is simple there was a period when Muslim Scientists were light years ahead from the west in terms of Scientific research and it was at that time the west looked towards the Islamic world for knowledge and innovation but it was also a time religion was everything and everything had to go through the church and was sanctioned by the church hence why the west was behind it was a time when everything had to be made sure that it passed the religious guidelines now where the Islamic differed was that the religious clerics
there had no say in anything and innovation and thought was freely practised now the tipping point came when the religious clerics in the west and the church decided that they would no longer interfere and that's when there was the massive turnaround happened because the clerics in the Arab decided that Islam and religion was primary over anything else and that's when the demise of Islamic innovation began and why the muslim lacks behind today and now takes most of its knowledge from the west, in the end its religion to blame as to why the Islamic world lacks behind today so in the end there is no argument about who is better than who we all are the same and equally intelligent and mankind when working together can achieve great things as with many modern day innovations and achievements are down to us working together from all races and all religions.
[ This Message was edited by: julias on 2011-08-23 14:04 ]
Posted: 2011-08-23 15:03:39
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Again like i keep saying and will keep saying i dont care why but the matter of the fact is that the Arab innovations are nothing to be proud of. Thats all i said at first and i somehow became a "racist" so i proved a point to show im not racist. Also they have more money and resources than a lot of countries doing a lot better then them. And yeah when the west had little to no population we were lacking in technology. But with the population, resources, and money at a fair and even level we never lacked behind the Arabs. And yes we are getting off topic. Everyone has an excuse instead of just saying your right. Before when it was posted it was look at what the Arabs have contributed. Now its all people contribute. Listen it matters who contributes what. It seems to me like your proud about inventions made thousands of years ago and cant admit that Arab countries are way behind and contribute nothing to society today. Its always an excuse, yes we all know why Arabs dont contribute, but it doesnt change the fact that they dont. If you say to a cripple you cant use your legs to walk, he says thats because my legs got runover by a truck, guess what, even with the excuse he still cant walk.
Posted: 2011-08-23 17:51:06
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On 2011-08-23 17:51:06, drewwilliam wrote:
Again like i keep saying and will keep saying i dont care why but the matter of the fact is that the Arab innovations are nothing to be proud of.
Yes we can all see here that you do not care about facts and may i ask why aren't Arab innovations to be proud of? If it wasn't for the them you wouldn't have many of today's innovations.That's like saying we will forget about the work of Marie Curie and Galileo and only take into account what modern day scientists have done.
On 2011-08-23 17:51:06, drewwilliam wrote:
And yeah when the west had little to no population we were lacking in technology.
So your saying the west were lacking in technology due to a lack of population? Are you for real?
Posted: 2011-08-23 18:13:01
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Galileo was Italian and Italians still to this day put out tons of inventions to be proud of. In other words they didnt take a 1000 year gap of nothing like the arabs. And yes i did say the population and meant it. Look at this map
http://www.uncp.edu/home/rwb/lecture_ancient_civ.htm. Look at the population of the east to the west. More people more inventions (starting to make sense??), the mayans and Incas did just fine without help from the east. And what facts dont i care about??? I threw out tons of stats and numbers all you could say is well they invented it thousands of years ago and your racist. You have no numbers no stats only excuses. And in the past 1000 years nothing. What wouldnt we have today if it werent for Arabs??? Everything they invented was invented somewhere else without there knowledge. Like i said if they can come up with something spectacular like electricity, telephones, internet, you know the things you use everyday and ideas that others couldnt even think of than ill give them the credit they deserve. Oh yeah i forgot there wouldnt be checks if it werent for Arabs LOL

.... Good invention oh yeah i cant forget about number one... Coffee.... Go on this link
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1600302/posts... This is something to be proud of.
Posted: 2011-08-23 18:35:42
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On 2011-08-23 18:35:42, drewwilliam wrote:
Galileo was Italian and Italians still to this day put out tons of inventions to be proud of. In other words they didnt take a 1000 year gap of nothing like the arabs.
You so clearly have a problem with Arabs and Muslims and how do you know that Muslim or Arab Scientists don't put out any inventions today? If you go to Nasa for example they have Scientists from every race and religion working there including many Muslim scientists. And i explained earlier why Muslims lack behind in Science and innovation today but your clearly ignoring that fact.
On 2011-08-23 18:35:42, drewwilliam wrote:
And yes i did say the population and meant it. Look at this map
http://www.uncp.edu/home/rwb/lecture_ancient_civ.htm. Look at the population of the east to the west. More people more inventions (starting to make sense??), the mayans and Incas did just fine without help from the east.
Sorry but that claim is simply laughable and a joke that populations had anything to do with the lack of innovations from the west.I have seen today's historians and scholars in the field who have written many books and made many documentary's about Islamic inventions and achievements indeed if you want confirmation for yourself then take a trip down to the British Library in London which holds endless books and original text from Muslim scientists which document their achievements and not a single scholar today will agree with your argument that "population" had anything to do with it so your just talking utter rubbish and has no historic basis.
On 2011-08-23 18:35:42, drewwilliam wrote:
Everything they invented was invented somewhere else without there knowledge.
Again more endless lies from you. Do your research first but then your not much of a innovator are you?

If everything was invented somewhere else before them then those original inventors and inventions would be documented but no so this why all the Islamic innovations are documented! I will even give you some links to read and enlighten your lack of knowledge.
Islamic Golden Age and read on this list of
Arab and Muslim Scientists who's work you think doesn't matter and also a list of
List of modern-day Muslim scholars since you think muslim contribute nothing today.
[ This Message was edited by: julias on 2011-08-23 19:23 ]
Posted: 2011-08-23 19:08:53
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I used to work at NASA wanna keep trying??? Every single one had British or American raising in which they got there intelligence from. And why doesn't population matter? Again u hear me say something and I'm racist again, that's where this ends. If u wanna have a discussion that fine, don't call people racist when there clearly not. And how do I know???? I work in the field everyday. No historic basis? Everything you say is well I know someone or I saw something on tv. Your looking at millions of people vs thousands yes it does matter. You clearly didn't look at the map or read the info I sent. Which says that western civilization wasnt even founded until hundreds upon thousands of years after eastern civilization was flourishing. They are a thousand years before us and are behind. No people, no inventions. I don't care why I seriously don't care why I showed u something to be proud of where's my quote in that one??? Americans invented the atomic bomb. If we didn't Germany or Russia would have. Who cares if u document it someone else could make it. If it weren't for nikola Tesla we wouldnt have alternating current, if it weren't for Einstein there would be no e=MC2. these are things that others just couldn't have come up with without them. if all the Arab countries disappeared we would all be fine technologically. if America or Israel disappeared we would have huge innovation setbacks.
Posted: 2011-08-24 02:25:13
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And again why would I have Arab friends that agree with me if Im racist. Let's make it simpler. Why would I associate myself with Arab employees after work if I didn't like them?
Posted: 2011-08-24 02:28:50
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Stop feeding the troll, seriously.
Posted: 2011-08-24 12:36:58
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