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I have been looking for other online transaction systems, but haven't found any good. Anyone have experience with Yahoo's Paydirect?
Posted: 2002-12-04 04:27:00
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nookiehunter Posts: > 500
just a suggestion, have bout putting some ad banners on the site to generate revenue? if you have a violent reaction in mind, just ignore my post.
Posted: 2002-12-04 07:56:00
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no! don't close it... what should I then do at work?
Posted: 2002-12-04 08:10:00
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or you can ask everybody to re-register and charge $20 for membership...
if there isnt any online way for those of us from the philippines to contribute, how about something in the real world-- such as western union, etc.
Posted: 2002-12-04 08:24:00
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hey! dont do this to us! we need esato....hey people help esato to survive....what if we put our own DONATE A DOLLAR CAMPAIGN to our beloved eSato....hows that///interested ???? any suggestions ....
Posted: 2002-12-04 08:28:00
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@laffen... Post an bankaccount and i will send 200sek asap... I think Im not the only one who cant use online banking. But I WILL HELP if u make it possible... I agree with cytech what will i do if the best thing on was and internet goes down? And make this post stick to the top and stay there so everybody can see it and take messures no talk just pay the man so he can keep esato alive...
This post was posted from a R520
Posted: 2002-12-04 08:33:00
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adamizer is right.... I don't use online payment either... but I would gladly donate some money to help Esato...
Posted: 2002-12-04 08:42:00
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how about $20 membership and $5/month.. so there would be regular and stable cash flow for whatever maintenance and servicing Esato would need
Posted: 2002-12-04 08:46:00
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Since we dont have paypal, i suggest we make donations the moderator.
This post was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2002-12-04 08:57:00
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bad news! i just found the place and you´re about to close it down... Wish i had a millionare friend!
Posted: 2002-12-04 08:57:00
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