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On 2009-06-08 02:19:00, Bonovox wrote:
I was sick to the stomach when I seen a family come here they were GIVEN a huge luxury mansion in London and hundreds per week in handouts. How is this fair?
You're covering very valid points, especially in terms of unnecessary benefit claims, however, I would like to see a source for that last bit I've quoted. Something that isn't The Sun, preferably.
Posted: 2009-06-08 10:35:29
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Giving this old topic a bump since the elections are coming on May 6th
How do we think the BNP will do?
Posted: 2010-04-13 20:30:57
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People have not got the guts to vote BNP, besides there's not enough of a minority to vote them in, all the immigrants will vote Labour as they give them all the things under the sun, it's a 2 horse race, between the Tories and Labour, Lib Dem do have a candidate in every constituency but not enough will vote for them, The Tories can will but it means they need the biggest swing in votes ever, and I'm not sure Mr Cameron is the man for it, he's no Maggie, I fear Labour will win again due to the amount of immigrants that are here and can legally vote, and by immigrants, I mean those that live off the state, not ones that come here and contribute and definitely not those that come here earn money, then don't invest it here, instead send it back to Poland, Sri Lanka, India etc etc, it's that sort of behaviour that hasn't helped out economy at all..
I suspect from this you will know I will be voting for...
Posted: 2010-04-13 21:01:34
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Ya hit the nail on the head there Reg. Anyway hello stranger Reg
Posted: 2010-04-13 21:50:32
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Labour have done themselves a serious injustice in keeping that Mouthbreather Brown as leader, even the recently deliberately "leaked" rumours of his bullying staff were probably concocted to try to give the man a bit of character and make him slightly more interesting than a rather uninteresting pebble.
David Cameron was simply the Tories response to Blair.
I too agree that it's a 2 horse race with an unfortunately quite predictable same outcome again. I agree with Reg about the immigrant population voting labour as they've been given everything under the sun. I know people who've been denied council housing as the points system for allocation favours those with immigrant status, giving a birth nationality other than British a points boost. Special needs education for kids suffering things like dyslexia, ADHD and other learning difficulties in mainstream schools has also been cut back to provide English lessons to immigrant kids. I know that a lot of immigrant workers are very hard working people and will do the jobs that shurkers on the dole refuse to do, but there are a lot of immigrant freeloaders too who cost a fortune to the state and who are only here through the lack of a sensible, enforceable immigration policy. Think I might migrate to eastern Europe and see what assistance I get there.
Rant over, fingers crossed for change but prepared for the inevitable sheep mentality UK voting result.
Posted: 2010-04-14 08:53:31
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I doubt the BNP will ever get into power, at least i hope so.
As for immigrants of course those that live of the state should leave but what about British people that do nothing all day and get their JSA every two weeks to spend on whatever they want? This is ok?
On the topic of JSA and the like i think these kind of benefits should come in the form of food vouchers and travel (Oyster Card or similar), not hard cash.
Posted: 2010-04-14 20:09:38
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JSA should never have been introduced in all fairness, if you can't be arsed to go find a job, why should we give you money? disability and incapacity benefits are different but lazy sods who don't want to find a job deserve nothing..
Posted: 2010-04-15 00:07:59
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Ok I'm no racist but you lot are right.
I don't believe in all the Nazi stuff they go on about, but me, and most others will agree that the amount of people who are coming in the country is simply too much. The government were going on about only letting people immegrate if they were going to do jobs, and to fill jobs we are in shortage of (such as teachers etc.). In complete contrast however, people can come over here and get benefits and a house, even if they don't have a job. From what I can think of, theres no other country in Europe where you can get away with it that much. If I was to emmegrate to some countries expecting a house and money every week, then I'd be out of luck, and I'd be on street corners, and thats what we should do (ok ok, maybe not
that bad, but you get the idea). I heard something somewhere saying there are now more people in the UK that aren't from the UK (that includes children of immegrants however).
Rant over . . . . . . . . . .
OH and job seekers allowance, you should get the money on a debit card, and
everything you buy shows up. That'd seriously make people think, spend your money on crap you don't need and you don't get the money to spend on crap you don't need. Course, people can't live off nothing, and if you really have been made redundant, and are looking for a job (ie. going to the job center every flipping day and searching) then you should be given
something. You should have to go to the job center 2/3 times a week to get it, simple.
Posted: 2010-04-15 17:24:58
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On 2010-04-15 17:24:58, lukechris wrote:
I heard something somewhere saying there are now more people in the UK that aren't from the UK (that includes children of immegrants however).
If you believe that you will believe anything that's exactly the kind of racist propaganda the BNP put out
Fact is even with the current influx immigrants account for only 15% of the entire U.K population with the vast 85% being the white indigenous population so there are hardly in the majority and because immigrants tend to settle in large towns and city's usually with their extended families (and lets face where all the jobs are) it seems like there are too many of them when that is clearly not the case
In my line of work i often do a lot of travelling up and down the country and go to lots of smaller towns and villages and i struggle to find a black or brown person there
Posted: 2010-04-15 17:44:24
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The UK is too small a country to continue taking this many people. Also when there are no jobs how is it good for the economy if we still let people in? Yet when they arrive they either have no job to go to,are told they cannot work with some stupid government rule so they are given benefits & big houses. Tell me,how is that saving the UK economy?
Lukechris there are around 11 million people in this country who come from abroad or immigrant families. But there is still 42 million white British or Irish so people who say there are more of them than us then they are just being stupid. I am not racist I have friends from different backgrounds but at the end of the day enough is enough we just cannot take this many people. What is it going to be like in 20 years? A small place like the UK will be more crowded than India
[ This Message was edited by: Bonovox on 2010-04-15 16:49 ]
Posted: 2010-04-15 17:45:16
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