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> Happy birthday mriley
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Its the new modern way to dry your hands
I wanted to pull it off the wall and take it home with me
Posted: 2010-06-07 00:19:25
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Hmmm,it probably cost more than your camera
Posted: 2010-06-07 00:22:58
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It does, I wanted to buy one but they cost £1000 from amazon which is 4 times my camera
I would go back to that restaurant just to use the hand dryer
that was the best bit, the food wasnt that good
It was fun I want another birthday now
Posted: 2010-06-07 00:27:46
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How much did you get the camera for?
Posted: 2010-06-07 00:30:09
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I got it from amazon for £250 but it also came with a case and a 16GB memory card
It's the first camera I've ever owned too, it does suffer from noise like you said, compacts have little sensors, but you can get round it by using manual mode with longer shutter speeds
My parents also got me Abode Photoshop Elements 8 even though I was going to get photoshop cs5 for free (i didnt tell them this
Posted: 2010-06-07 00:37:30
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Wow nice. I got a 16 gig SD card online for £16
Posted: 2010-06-07 00:44:33
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