General discussions : Non mobile discussion : What SE Phones will be fit for US-Iraq war?
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> What SE Phones will be fit for US-Iraq war?
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This message was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2003-03-18 19:42:00
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This thread is crap.
Posted: 2003-03-18 19:42:00
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1-800-DR.PHIL, giv him a ring bro.
This message was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2003-03-18 19:47:00
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Hi sleeq,
Posted: 2003-03-18 19:53:00
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...Another candidate for the garbage thead...
This message was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2003-03-18 20:05:00
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the R250 and R310 should do fine. when they get the special update of the R250 you can see a map on it, use it as a 2way radio and see where you team is. a phone whit GPS would be fine 2. the Z1000 of sendo but that phone is history.
Posted: 2003-03-18 20:27:00
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it would be kind of funny if the iraqui soldiers weren't ill equiped, i guess... if they were in equal conditions in the desert, i would ask the thread maker which phone does he think would be better for the iraqui soldiers to shove up US marines's asses...
since it's a coward war, no such question is in order, and maybe the marines could really use celular phones in their desert vacation...
Quote:I HATE WAR!!!!! I don't want the war!!!
SPAIN doesn't want the war!!!
fuc*** AZNAR!! AZNAR is BULL****!!
totaly agree with u, my friend!
the same words apply to Portugal and the "Oh so brave" portuguese prime minister, Durão Barroso, aka "coward weasel"...
Posted: 2003-03-18 21:31:00
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Trust an American to come up with this thread....
Posted: 2003-03-18 21:47:00
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@ arroyootje
Agreed! Only an American could have started this thread! Though we aren't much better here in the UK...
I agree this thread is wrong. War isn't something to be taken lightly, ever.
Posted: 2003-03-18 22:22:00
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Hi oxegn why do you think this thread is wrong?
Posted: 2003-03-18 23:27:00
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