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> HPR-20 Review
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can u tell me how much the hpr 20 cost in singapore or maybe in indonesia thanks
Posted: 2003-04-25 08:13:00
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id just like to share my experience that signal is very poor when moving and when inside a building. defeats the purose of having this device. but when you find a \"pocket\" with a good signal and stay there stereo sound is indeed \"sufficient\". i also find it surprising that the sound of the audio player on the p800 is not redirected to the headset once it is on.
This message was posted from a P800
Posted: 2003-04-25 10:08:00
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Neat review guys, i'm getting one tonight...cheers
This message was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2003-04-25 10:28:00
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@ddc- just to give you an idea, HPR-20 here in manila- US$ 34.00
Posted: 2003-04-25 14:50:00
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Anyone here have expernce dat d hpr-20 cant detect by t68i once connected to phone but still u can hear the sound. When u check d accessories under profile it is in the red color it means NO ACCESSORIES ATTACH èven d fone s connectd
This message was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2003-04-25 15:07:00
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bass is good, reception from strong station very satisfactory, not so good though when driving.
This message was posted from a P800
Posted: 2003-04-25 15:07:00
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Yup! Great sound, but why t68i cant detect d hpr-20 but u cn listen to d radio? Is dis normal? Pls someone enlighten me thanks
This message was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2003-04-25 16:07:00
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but isit competible with t310 cozt sunday gonna got one in batam almost sogapore $400 plus camera mca 25
Posted: 2003-04-26 06:52:00
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What I usually do:After attaching the handfree to my se t100, I slid the phone inside the compartment pouch upside down, meaning the hpr 20 is protruding,then zipped the pouch and hang the loop around my neck with the earphones in my ears.That simple.However, since the t100 doesnt have voice answer/magic word, just set answering mode to automatic.After 1 ring,the radio automatically is put into mute mode to accomodate the call.
Also for my t100, the unit detects the radio.I dont know for the t68i.
Regarding the sound quality, it is really great.Much improved than the hpr 11(mono).
Same with the design, it is really a head turner.It easily attracts attention.Some of my friends thought it was a cellphone!!!! at first glance of the blue display.
With regards to the slim plastic display, the blue backlight is again very good and bright.It really complements the icy blue of the t68i.However the display is very prone to light scratches.Just be careful with it.
What's next SE? a graphic equalizer for the AM/FM radio??????!!!!!!!hpr30 !!!!!!!!
Posted: 2003-04-28 09:07:00
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hmm i just bought my HPR-20 two weeks ago at sg 78 dollars....its definitely worth the price...the sound quality is very good...although there r some disruptions when the reception is not good in certain areas.....im connecting to both my E T39m and SE T100. It works well with both...however there is a added advantage when it is connected to T39m...provided u add a voice command to the callers in your phone directory....then when a call comes in thru the earpiece....u can actually know who is calling u as u can hear the person's name being announced over the earpiece.....so it is almost as gd as a caller ID.....but T100 does not have a voice command function though...so no such function....
So for those still considering the usefulness of the product....well here's some added information for u all to take into account....
[ This Message was edited by: cirruss on 2003-04-30 18:50 ]
Posted: 2003-04-30 19:32:00
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