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itsjustJOH Posts: > 500

On 2014-03-16 02:46:36, miromiromi wrote:
Z2 vs Note 3 display comparison

Oh nice! Though we don't know what the setting is on the Note 3, if I am correct there is a "natural" setting for the display of Samsung phones which makes the display less saturated I guess.

Gonna have to wait for the display tests for Z2, I want to see how it much it actually matches the AMOLEDs from Samsung.
Posted: 2014-03-16 07:19:41
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vivftp Posts: > 500

Did they have the X-Reality for Mobile active in the comparison? Just curious as that'd probably boost the saturation for the Z2
Posted: 2014-03-16 07:38:55
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miromiromi Posts: 481

we already have some technical tests done. i just don't know how to interpret them.

xperia z2

galaxy s5

it appears that the xperia z2 has the wider color gamut for all colors while the s5 or the rest of the samoled galaxy devices are more on the greens, yellows, and orange.
[ This Message was edited by: miromiromi on 2014-03-16 06:48 ]

Posted: 2014-03-16 07:42:32
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itsjustJOH Posts: > 500

On 2014-03-16 07:38:55, vivftp wrote:
Did they have the X-Reality for Mobile active in the comparison? Just curious as that'd probably boost the saturation for the Z2

Oh yeah, that too.

On 2014-03-16 07:42:32, miromiromi wrote:
we already have some technical tests done. i just don't know how to interpret them.

Yeah, we've seen those tests from Z2. What I'd like to see are tests from an actual retail unit, with additional tests like contrast ratio, sunlight contrast ration, etc.
Posted: 2014-03-16 07:49:07
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Xajel Posts: > 500

On 2014-03-16 07:19:41, itsjustJOH wrote:
Oh nice! Though we don't know what the setting is on the Note 3, if I am correct there is a "natural" setting for the display of Samsung phones which makes the display less saturated I guess.

Gonna have to wait for the display tests for Z2, I want to see how it much it actually matches the AMOLEDs from Samsung.

They didn't mention any thing regarding display setting in Note 3 beside that the brightness in both are set to 100%

On 2014-03-16 07:38:55, vivftp wrote:
Did they have the X-Reality for Mobile active in the comparison? Just curious as that'd probably boost the saturation for the Z2

From what he said, Xperia Z2 has display enhancing technologies ( mobile bravia, x-reality ) but he didn't said if these were on or not.. but the brightness is 100% same as Note 3 brightness

I guess that both phones where on default settings except the brightness
[ This Message was edited by: Xajel on 2014-03-16 08:05 ]

Posted: 2014-03-16 09:04:32
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Xajel Posts: > 500

For those who might be concerned about that 128GB microSD

I've tested in the Note 3, the Xperia Z1s, the Xperia Ultra and the Tegra Note 7 and had no issues other than KitKat "issues."
Posted: 2014-03-16 12:52:31
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amirprog Posts: > 500

new short video Z1 vs Z2 display:
is there a difference? what do you think? i know you like Z1 more.
can't wait to see display comparison between Z2 and the other flagships...
[ This Message was edited by: amirprog on 2014-03-16 12:28 ]

Posted: 2014-03-16 13:23:40
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CrownedAkuma Posts: > 500

On 2014-03-16 02:46:36, miromiromi wrote:
Z2 vs Note 3 display comparison

Pretty neat if you aks me
The Z2 holds up very well against the Note 3 and is even better in a lot of details, the Bee is WAY better depicted on the Z2 and also the lights and the balcony.... The teapot and the courtains are actually better depicted in the Note 3 IMHO.... but I need to see it from real, I want to know if it is just a matter of OverSaturation on the Sammy's Amoled or if it is actually thanks to deeper and richer colours
Seeing those tests it seems that the Colour Gamut is more BALANCED on the Z2 (sacrificing a little bit of red and blue and gaining a LOT of green)... thus the triangle is more centered and balanced and also the Bisectrix (I do not know if it is english or not, but I'm talking about the lines that goes from an angle to the opposite side) meet at the center (more or less) of the triangle, instead of meeting nearer to a side as the S5...

There's not even reasons to put on a fight between Z1 and Z2
I'm so happy for having waited and not bought the Z1
Posted: 2014-03-16 16:20:35
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Jiggs29 Posts: 29

video stabilization sample
Posted: 2014-03-16 16:44:07
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CrownedAkuma Posts: > 500

On 2014-03-16 16:44:07, Jiggs29 wrote:
video stabilization sample

Damn I was going to post it now
On the right with SteadyShot ON on the left with SteadyShot OFF... It works well
Posted: 2014-03-16 16:47:43
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