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> SE India thread Reloaded!
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Welcome to SEIR. Care to introduce yourselves?
Posted: 2009-04-12 08:48:12
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Hey Whiz, wassup?
back to Esato after 5-6 months.
@Gov, how is Kerala buddy? (yea, am a mallu too).
Posted: 2009-04-12 09:13:02
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kerala is neat as of now.
whizzard, put the yuotube linky in here!!!
Posted: 2009-04-12 09:23:18
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Hot as HELL in Mumbai!
Posted: 2009-04-13 08:33:47
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On 2009-04-13 08:33:47, asfaq wrote:
Hot as HELL in Mumbai!
Still, its better than the situation last and the week before that..
Posted: 2009-04-13 09:01:58
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yeah.. guess so.. but am seriously considering wearing swimming trunks on my daily morning commute to office.. lol
Posted: 2009-04-13 13:16:59
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Haha.. yes Coming to think of it, I actually look forward to entering office these days thanks to the AC.
The other day, I almost fainted while on my way to office--walking.
NB: I do not hate going to office. Its just that I prefer working from home

but my home's got no AC.
Posted: 2009-04-13 13:24:34
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haha.. agree

So what are u working on thesedays? Have you tried out the new Motorola phone? Gadget Guru gave it a thumbs up (or something like that)
Posted: 2009-04-13 13:38:20
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oops.. was at aunts place for Vishu for the past two days. No time to be online!
Had a nice time though.
Posted: 2009-04-15 13:07:42
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Is anyone here on xbox live? .. Thuggie is on psn but has been offline for quite a while now...i got myself an xbox 360 and Halo3
Posted: 2009-04-15 14:46:00
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