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progosu Posts: 21

damn, I'm disappointed in this camera, especially after seeing the latest pictures. Well, looks like it won't be my next phone, waiting for the new HTC.
Posted: 2014-03-18 10:53:30
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Vipera ammodytes Posts: > 500

What's wrong with the camera?
Posted: 2014-03-18 10:54:21
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CrownedAkuma Posts: > 500

On 2014-03-18 10:53:30, progosu wrote:
damn, I'm disappointed in this camera, especially after seeing the latest pictures. Well, looks like it won't be my next phone, waiting for the new HTC.

[sarcastic mode ON]
Beacause obviously the "all new HTC ONE" will shot photos with superb details thanks to his 4 Ultrapixel camera! YAY
Oh wait! I forgot that it will have a dual camera for night shots... THIS will change everything!
[sarcastic mode OFF]
[ This Message was edited by: CrownedAkuma on 2014-03-18 11:09 ]

Posted: 2014-03-18 11:51:40
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miromiromi Posts: 481

On 2014-03-18 10:53:30, progosu wrote:
damn, I'm disappointed in this camera, especially after seeing the latest pictures. Well, looks like it won't be my next phone, waiting for the new HTC.

seriously? i'm actually impressed in them. those were not even the compressed 8MP versions. the 8MP versions are generally crisper, clearer, and brighter.

i'm not sure if we're looking at the same photos.

Beacause obviously the "all new HTC ONE" will shot photos with superb details thanks to his 4 Ultrapixel camera! YAY
Oh wait! I forgot that it will have a dual camera for night shots... THIS will change everything!

as far as the leaks go, htc will not be using the tech introduced by that company that allied with qualcomm to come up with a dual lens camera (using 2 sony 13 MP sensors). they'll only be using something from toshiba.

i'm not sure if the toshiba dual lens camera will work great. as leaked, they're only meant for refocusing and the simultaneous taking of photos for hdr to avoid the blur or misalignment.
[ This Message was edited by: miromiromi on 2014-03-18 11:02 ]

Posted: 2014-03-18 11:58:29
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CrownedAkuma Posts: > 500

I was trying to be sarcastic... But it seems I didn't get it right!
Gotta go and stealth edit my post!
Posted: 2014-03-18 12:07:41
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miromiromi Posts: 481

On 2014-03-18 12:07:41, CrownedAkuma wrote:
I was trying to be sarcastic... But it seems I didn't get it right!
Gotta go and stealth edit my post!

of course i knew that. i've seen your posts several times here so i somehow know your leaning . i wasn't trying to counter your statement. merely stating those details based on htc one all new leaks.
Posted: 2014-03-18 13:26:52
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CrownedAkuma Posts: > 500

oh I see... than it's Ok

DAT SCREEN... they really crafted a superb piece of hardware, the display is PURE AWESOMENESS...!
Also the shape of the phone... I'll surely pick up the Black or the Purple version (it is really good, even in purple..!)
[ This Message was edited by: CrownedAkuma on 2014-03-18 13:29 ]

Posted: 2014-03-18 14:03:51
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Vipera ammodytes Posts: > 500

So awesome display!
Posted: 2014-03-18 14:23:28
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Xajel Posts: > 500

Holy Molly !!

Now I want Z2, Tablet Z2 & That Macaw also in the video !!
Posted: 2014-03-18 14:55:36
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ascariss Posts: > 500

Various Polish retailers are showing a release date of April 11th for the Z2 here.
Posted: 2014-03-18 15:02:12
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