General discussions : Non mobile discussion : What's your reason to feel crap today?
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> What's your reason to feel crap today?
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I'm not a dad yet! but that made me cry too!.. We live in a messed up world, it was never nice! I guess we all have to make it nicer for the ones we care, not only our children but families too!
Posted: 2008-01-29 12:22:34
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Think ive been played by the lass i been seeing, lol thats a first lol
Posted: 2008-01-31 00:25:05
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Just been brought ome from work.
Was taking out a window frame and my foot slipped and I have a huge lump coming out either side of my foot
Posted: 2008-02-04 14:05:02
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Muhammad-Oli Posts: > 500
Owch... A huge lump? I hope that doesn't mean a huge lump of glass?
Posted: 2008-02-04 14:21:59
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Put it this foot looks like a football. Lumped on both sides and starting to bruise. Can barely walk
If it gets any worse think am gonna have to go to hospital cause av got a twinge in my heel aswell
Posted: 2008-02-04 14:25:46
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Muhammad-Oli Posts: > 500
Wow... maybe you should get it checked out anyway. I hope its nothing too serious!
Posted: 2008-02-04 14:37:56
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Cheers mate

Neither do I
Just waiting on my mate coming for me just now to take me to get it checked out. Have to put ma work boots back on cause there the only one's that will fit me cause of the lump
Posted: 2008-02-04 14:42:34
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Yeah, better nip down the Docs or A&E to get that checked out, You Scots lads always seem to be in the wars
Posted: 2008-02-04 15:17:55
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ive got the bird flu
Posted: 2008-02-05 15:09:44
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Went to hospital yesterday
Done something to ma ligaments in ma ankle or something
Doc wasnt really that helpful. Says the swelling and bruising should go down in about 48 hours but might take weeks to fully heal
The swelling is going down just now but thats the bruising kicking in, my foot is a funny green / blue colour
Posted: 2008-02-05 15:11:41
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