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milukugiuniu Posts: 291


For me, only the dock and headset is usefully. So Im going to sell the other 2 when I get the package.

In fact, Im likely to cancle the order if the sumggled Z2 is available before the official release. There are 2 reasons:

1 The official Android based cellphone doesnt support any google services including map, gamil etc.
2 Im now using ZL for a long time so I cannot wait even a few days to get Z2.

Posted: 2014-03-24 03:46:01
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Xajel Posts: > 500

On 2014-03-23 22:25:29, northmonkey wrote:
What I'd like to know is on 4k video hoe far can you zoom in? On the note 3 you can zoom in 4 times and that has a 13mp camera and obviously the Z2 has 20.7 so can you zoom in even more?

Note 3 has digital Zoom, Digital zoom can zoom to much higher zoom levels but the more you zoom, the worse the image is, it's just like taking part of the video and enlarge it again to the original size of the video...

because of this limitation, most camera's doesn't have high digital zoom levels, they can do it, but the quality will get much much worse...

Technically, any company can get higher video quality by capturing full sensor resolution video and downscale it to the video resolution, so Sony for example can take full 20.7MP video and then downscale it to 8MP ( 4K ), which will give very good video quality, it's like Superior Auto for the video, but 4K it self require a lot of processing power to encode, and adding the downscaling to the mix will require a hell of processing power, not to mention the extra power required to handle the 20.7MP video stream at that speed - 30fps - which will mean a total of 621MP per second !! it's not reliable in a mobile phone, this technique might be used in camcorders or semi-pro and higher class video camera's as they can add that processing power and energy required...
Posted: 2014-03-24 06:47:29
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DexterMoser Posts: 443

According to zomg on Neogaf the Z2 features improved camera hardware.
Posted: 2014-03-24 13:00:03
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amirprog Posts: > 500

Samsung Galaxy S5 vs Sony Xperia Z2 full comparison:
overall Z2 smashes S5 in my opinion. i'm also not a fan of amoled displays. look at 3:23 for example - kitkat logo: s5 displays orange color and z2 displays red color.
Posted: 2014-03-24 18:42:16
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itsjustJOH Posts: > 500

^God his voice is annoying.
Posted: 2014-03-24 18:59:12
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XperiaJunkie Posts: > 500

If anybody is looking at pre-ordering the Z2 from O2 uk this may just sway your mind as when you pre-order you will get the option to buy the original tablet Z for £99.99 an absolute bargin but stock is very limited and is on a first come first served purchase. Pre-orders start on the 28th of March and stock expected to be delivered W/C 28th of April.

[ This Message was edited by: XperiaJunkie on 2014-03-25 14:57 ]

Posted: 2014-03-25 15:18:54
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northmonkey Posts: > 500

On 2014-03-25 15:18:54, XperiaJunkie wrote:
If anybody is looking at pre-ordering the Z2 from O2 uk this may just sway your mind as when you pre-order you will get the option to buy the original tablet Z for £99.99 an absolute bargin but stock is very limited and is on a first come first served purchase. Pre-orders start on the 28th of March and stock expected to be delivered W/C 28th of April.

[ This Message was edited by: XperiaJunkie on 2014-03-25 14:57 ]

28th April? I thought the phone was coming out in the next week or two?
Posted: 2014-03-25 16:08:45
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goldenface Posts: > 500

That's a great offer. The Tab Z is still a great tab.
Posted: 2014-03-25 17:07:43
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se-fan Posts: 116

The Z2 sale start is postponed:(

The new date in atleast sweden is 15May
Posted: 2014-03-25 17:19:55
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XperiaJunkie Posts: > 500

It looks like a delay in the release of the Z2 here in the UK or with O2 at least.

Posted: 2014-03-25 17:23:16
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