They look ok but viewing full size they are a blurry mess. I have seen better than that taken with the 920,sorry. It just looks blurry mess up close
-- Posted: 2012-12-02 21:28:00 Edit :
^ what is that.. take out walking/running... that is when the OIS kicks in.. silly gsmarena
Anyway, from all the user feedback I've been reading, it seems like WP8 acts like "1.0" software.. which makes perfect sense since it is a brand new core, and if it was in fact 8.0 software it shouldn't have all those stability and inconsistency issues.
As far as the image quality, I've been saying that its average from the moment they posted the white paper on Phase 2... its was obvious that with that small sensor, its all they can do.
[ This Message was edited by: cu015170 on 2012-12-03 05:03 ]
All these comparisons are getting boring. Not having a go at you it's just if you want a Nokia 920 your not going to really care how an iPhone performs. I know I couldn't care less about how well a Samsung is against a phone I may have for instance. It just doesn't matter
-- Posted: 2012-12-03 22:30:00 Edit :