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Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatahu...
Its been a while since I been on as been busy, but wanted to share with you all the notes from the course I went on called Light of Guidance...
It was on Aqeedah and was taught by Sheik Yasir Qadhi...
The following link is a 'wiki' style site which is the notes from the course as worked on by the students of knowledge!
I took the exam and got my result last week, subhanallah I passed and got a grade of 86%! Alhamdulliah!
Posted: 2009-04-11 23:13:42
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naveedaziz83 Posts: > 500
walaikum as salam warah matullah
ehlan wah sehlan brother caspa. nice to hear from you again. mashAllah brother, good to hear that you took the course and passed it. May Allah accept this effort of your and make it a way for you to enter jannah ameen sum ameen.
jazakAllah brother for sharing this important topic with us. Will read it soon inshAllah
A good news. I will be getting married soon inshAllah. Found myself a girl and talked with her parents. everything is set and just have to decide the date inshAllah.
Wasalam o alaikum warah matullah
Posted: 2009-04-12 12:57:32
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Alhamdulliah brother, thats fantastic news!
One of the reasons I have been rather busy relates to your news also!!!
I have met a sister and we have agreed to get married also, dont want to say more as yet but inshallah the nikah is very soon.
Posted: 2009-04-12 14:13:34
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naveedaziz83 Posts: > 500
inshAllah brother ... may Allah help you in making this matter easy for you .. ameen sum ameen
Posted: 2009-04-12 15:03:57
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love islam
This message was posted from a V220
Posted: 2009-04-13 11:58:15
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naveedaziz83 Posts: > 500
Asalam o alaikum warah matullah
Just stopping by to say my regards to every1 here ...
been a little busy lately. . started work recently and trying to learn the products ..
inshAllah will start doing the regular posts soon
Wasalam o alaikum warah matullah
Posted: 2009-04-17 23:23:12
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Masha'allah brothers
great news all round, Allah make it easy for you both, aameen
brother Julias, where are you?
Hope you've done the shahadah!
Allah is the greatest.
Posted: 2009-04-18 00:26:09
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Asalaam 0'Alaikum brothers
Peterkay not yet unfortunately as i am still waiting on that friend i told you about but inshallah very soon i will have some good news for you as he is due to return next week.
Posted: 2009-04-19 00:28:59
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Shukran brother
can't wait
May Allah almighty bless you.
Posted: 2009-04-19 14:07:31
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assalamou 3alaykoum warahmatou lahi wabarakatouh.
how are you brothers?
waffaqaka lah lichahadatain..
Posted: 2009-04-19 23:49:08
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