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> A couple of my mates. Meet JasJar and K-Jam (many pics)
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Just ordered the mini through o2 but the price is £99.99 not £74.99(which was only for students)
Too impulsive I'm wondring if i should have waited for the one you'r' raving about masseur- the ATOM- still
Posted: 2005-11-28 14:42:55
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you should have gone for the student price. Many of us here have bought from the student site without issue. They don't confirm in any way if you are a student and I'm let to believe you can make 2 purchases every 6 or 12 months from there
anyway, congrats. let me/us know if you have any issues!
Posted: 2005-11-28 14:47:38
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Thnaks Masseur you are right all they would have asked me for was a student number which if I REALLY wanted to could have obtained form any one of my 3 kids.....but I dont know considering our last 2 post exchanges and my feeling guilty re the software licenses I am happy that I morally stood up to be counted this time although I knowmany would say the networks have it coming to them
Anyway another quick point while I am on is there ONE car charger that could do BOTH units? ie exec and mini-s ?
Cheers and no doubt there WILL be issues - it is ME after all
Posted: 2005-11-28 15:41:55
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sorry, I only use blutooth carkits these days and, of course, they won't charge the device.
but if you're not neednig charging, just hands free, I can definitly recommend the Parrot Easydrive
Posted: 2005-11-29 10:00:28
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Thanks for tin incite
This message was posted from a Nokia
Posted: 2005-11-29 10:07:47
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Thanks for the info Masseur. I WAS looking for charging specifically..the handsfree part is an additional bonus. I shall keep looking. BTW my new MINI is on charge as we speak so you have a few hours of peace before the question bombardment starts although I sense the two units are sufficiently similar to at least rule out all most of my usual basic inquisitions
Still no sign of the upgrade to profile which allows bluetooth music and call capability?
Posted: 2005-11-29 22:57:03
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So Masseur a couple of quick points if you are able to answer b4 you retire for the weekend. I want to be sure before I mess anything up and seeing as you are one of the few that had BOTH the devices you are ideally placed to keep me on the straight and narrow.
1) Do i need to install the ACTIVE SYNC for the new device too? oh and the clearvue app?
2) Either way will my using the same laptop for both devices encounter any sync problems- i.e. confusion of contacts, calendars, files etc?
Oh and ps I think you were right the jasjar is brilliant maybe a 9.9 in my books but on first impressions the kjam may actually hit 10.....or at least the o2 versions of them.
Thanks as always Masseur
Posted: 2005-12-02 14:11:00
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1) if you already have activesync 4 or 4.1 installed there is no need to install it again (I assume you do have it from your previous windows mobeil 5 device)
2) no, there will be no confusion. When you connect the new device you create a whole new partnership with that device. The new device will have to have a different device ID (found in start, settings, about) as they must be unique. Once synched the two devices will keep separate records for what has been synched and was has not. I regularly have 2 or 3 devices partnered.
If you want to get rid of the jasjar and use the device Id you created for that (assuming you didnt just accept the default) then just delete the old partnership in activesync
finally, I'm still very, very happy with my choice between the two device
Unless I'm very much mistaken...
i-mate V800 K700[ This Message was edited by: masseur on 2005-12-02 13:28 ]
Posted: 2005-12-02 14:28:03
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Thanks I amnt getting rid of it.........but I did accept the default (I think). Shouldnt matter though if i accept the default for the kjam too?
I will try synching in a short while and let you know if it all goes to plan.
Posted: 2005-12-02 14:35:59
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I alays set my device ID before I sync for the first time so I really can't remember what the default is but I think its device model name or something.
It'll warn you anyway if its the same as an existing partnership and you get the chance to change it
Posted: 2005-12-02 14:38:28
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