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isnt the voda branding disturbing?
Posted: 2005-11-09 04:35:24
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It's just on the case, the engraving isn't that visible and I hardly notice it on the back.
Plus I can change the cover at any time.
As for the phone itself. A quick theme change, and reset, and your free.
I mean, they didn't LOCK the web, mms, etc.. as they do with other phones.
Actually, they DID lock their settings so that you cant delete it, so I just made a new setting profile and set that to default.
So at the end of the day nothing on the screen shows as voda.
Oh they didn't lock the Email settings, which was strange, just a quick name change and the Vodamail is now Uni Email
Posted: 2005-11-09 04:38:30
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i do hope, that the settings for "3" can be done manual aswell and its not an apart of the fw - like in k600i. i have to access 3 trailer zone, otherwise i am not interested. do u use umts system aswell?
Posted: 2005-11-09 05:00:23
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@amnesia i ve benn told, that the keypad is small and not that comfortable at usage ( at 6680 is still acceptable ). how is at u?
Posted: 2005-11-14 23:17:26
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the keypad is quite small.
You 'think' that you might be pushing another button, but it's quite intuitive.
The best keypad to me so far is the 6630's because the keys were nice, the 5 way pad was smooth and rocked nicely, the problem with the new nokias is that to me it has two useless buttons.
The new 'media key' and that pencil key.
I never use any of those.
I'd have preferred it if they made the keypad bigger, and move the call and hang up to the sides.
Oh well, can't have anything.
Posted: 2005-11-15 04:24:01
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how is the cam button?
Posted: 2005-11-15 04:40:16
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[ This Message was edited by: amnesia on 2005-11-15 21:30 ]
Posted: 2005-11-15 22:23:25
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i see, and what about the cam button?
Posted: 2005-11-15 22:25:02
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its strange because I did reply to this.
the cam button is a bit useless because its so low and you can't use the cam sideways.
But I guess a firmware update will do that.
There is the contact picture bug as well where the picture is on top of the letter c.
Posted: 2005-11-15 22:32:26
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ok, thx again, didnt find the answer.
how is the fone at video calls?
Posted: 2005-11-15 22:37:01
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