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I'm still curious about the Brisbane recall of the mmr-60's - has anyone from anywhere else found that the mmr-60's have been recalled by SE?
Posted: 2006-02-19 14:06:15
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Why dont you try asking in the shops that sold them prior to the recall ?
Posted: 2006-02-19 21:41:48
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I did and they claim they have no info. So I'm quite curious. 1. Is it just Brisbane or is it wider spread and 2. Why the recall?
I could ring sydney stores and see if they have had the recall also, but I'm not ringing overseas - hence I'm asking the forum. Besides I expect other stores will give the same info as Brisbane stores - ie: don't know a thing about it.
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Posted: 2006-02-20 01:20:01
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Are there no other phone shops in your city ? just the one ?
Posted: 2006-02-20 02:05:40
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I tried the six stores in the CBD and only three had even seen the mmr-60. Of those three stores, all of them had had the mmr-60's recalled after the first week. No one could tell me why the recall. As far as they could, (or would) tell me SE requested they send all stock back, no reason given.
Those are only the city stores, I'll be trying the 'burbs later. Usually the city stores get product before the suburbs, so I don't expect the burbs to have even received mmr-60's yet.
It seems there has been a recall of all mmr-60 stock in Brisbane CBD, why? What was wrong - faulty stock? Faulty design? Global recall, national or just Brisbane?
I think those are fair questions, the answers which may help explain the high frequency of negative reports the mmr-60 has received (atleast 50% of reviewers here on esato have reported that their mmr-60's were unusable).
My guess is it that there have been batches of mmr-60's with an unacceptably high failure rate that have slipped through quality control somehow. The only other explanation imho is that SE are recalling the product completely. I really hope that's not the case, which is why I'm interested to know if the mmr-60 is not being recalled everywhere but only in localised areas.
Another thing the stores couldn't tell me was when the mmr-60 would be available again.
Posted: 2006-02-20 11:07:22
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Its all possible, but id hesitate that of all the people who have one and have poor usage from it, they're all as a result of poor QA.
I just do not trust FM transmitters anymore, if i ever did. I hoped the MMR-60 would be reliable being a SE, but it appears not to be the case.
SE might have scrapped the product entirely, because they've realised this.
Posted: 2006-02-20 11:11:02
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On 2006-02-20 11:11:02, etaab wrote:
SE might have scrapped the product entirely, because they've realised this.
That occurred to me too, but I'm hoping it's not true. Atleast the rob1 never actually made it into the shops before it was cancelled
It's a shame you've had such a bad experience with fm transmitter's; are you sure it's not just belkin you should be doubtful of, rather than fm transmitter overall?

I've used several, and all have worked quite well for me, within given constraints. None are perfect, but they have certainly given me freedom to listen to my own choice of music on many opportunities.
Apple saw no reason to withdraw their unit, nor do several other major manufacturers out there producing transmitters.
Now I hope SE fix this thing so we can give etaab some hope back about fm transmitters
Posted: 2006-02-20 12:56:11
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My poor faith in FM transmitters comes from the heavy amount of reading ive done on the subject after i bought the Tunecast.
It would seem nobody has a good word to say about them in general.
Posted: 2006-02-20 17:59:15
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I've done a little but not much reading on the matter, since my experience has been positive I've not found a need to find out more.
Posted: 2006-02-21 02:24:54
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Quick Review: Unless you absolutely want an FM modulator that's "cool", has no wires, and connects directly to your phone, don't get the MMR-60.
Long Review:
Well, I got my MMR-60 today, and I must say that it isn't the most powerful transmitter I've ever used. I have an iRiver AFT-100 transmitter, and it can produce excellent results (the best I've heard from an FM modulator) on several frequencies in my area (highly recommended, check out Amazon's reviews of this thing). I also have an XM Radio FM modulator (came with my roady), and although it's not nearly as good as the iRiver, it's still better than the MMR-60. That being said, the MMR-60 is a workable unit (barely). I tried several "free" frequencies in my area, and I was about to give up after getting nothing but poor, staticy results. However, I finally found a frequency that was not only clear, but had mostly clear (IE, too weak to listen to) frequencies on either side of it (105.1, in my case). I tuned both my car stereo and my MMR-60 to this station, and I was finally able to get acceptable results - although still not as good as my iRiver, it's very useable. When music is playing, the background noise is nothing more than a mere annoyance, and you probably wouldn't notice it on a stock audio system. In addition, at this frequency, the MMR-60 was able to successfully transmit from most of the inside of my car's cabin. Some notes:
(1) Turn off the !^@% flashing light. It produces a faint audible buzz when it moves through the middle brightness range. I'm guessing that SE uses a PWM system to drive the LED, and made the poor choice of selecting a frequency of less than 20kHz for the PWM wave (IE, something in the audible range), leading to interference with the audio signal.
(2) MAKE CERTAIN that your fastport connector is clean and has a good connection to the MMR-60. When I first clicked it on, it worked, but the sound quality was TERRIBLE. I scrubbed on my fastport a little and wiggled the MMR-60, got a better connection to the phone, and the signal improved. (I've also been having trouble with my handsfree and charger lately, though, so this one could just be my K750).
(3) If you're going to be using this thing in a car, and you're sure you'll always have access to a lighter or accessory port, don't buy the MMR-60. The only real advantage is that you don't need to have any wires, and honestly, it's not worth sacrificing the improved sound quality that can be had with a lighter-socket based transmitter.
Posted: 2006-02-22 03:40:05
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