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> Owning a pet
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@scott - She's a PRETTY one dude . . reminds me of Lucy Torres !
@boba - I though we ONLy have that kind of cat at my end (breed), color too . . . looks too native. I've been seeing some cats here catch small birds . . . they are really good-hunters
But when confronted by MOUSE as big as them . . . they run away so fast !
Speaking of BIG CATS !
Posted: 2007-04-21 00:02:38
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god - those people are tiny...
Posted: 2007-04-21 16:42:18
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heres my brand new kitten george
Posted: 2007-05-11 13:07:33
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You don't "own" a cat. They choose to adopt you
I'm a cat person myself. Started with one kitten, who went crazy with loneliness, so we got a 2nd, and they became fast friends. We added a 3rd later on, the poor thing got her owner shipped off to Iraq
and she needed a home.
You'll find that cats are like children - all different personalities, all different levels of friendliness with other cats, all different needs for attention, all different levels of mischief. They have an uncanny knack for doing what they're not supposed to, getting into places that they shouldn't, and then getting away with it with their cuteness and charm.
I would start with the one cat and see how s/he does. If s/he starts going crazy, s/he needs a playmate. This is tricky, as some will get along off the bat, some will take weeks to warm up to each other, and some will never get along. There's no way to tell except to try it, unfortunately.
An apartment shouldn't be a problem, and neither will letting the cat out (as long as s/he's not declawed). But be warned - once you let a cat out at night, s/he will never be able to stay indoors at night ever again. Know also that although cats are nocturnal, they can be trained to follow your day/night routine. It takes time, but all of ours go out during daylight, then sleep with us at night, and are perfectly content doing so.
Also, see if they sell these where you are:
As for catnip: again, each cat reacts differently to it. It makes come hyper, others mellow, and some aren't affected by it at all. I would suggest, if the cat likes clawing a particular area (carpet, furniture...), put a scratcher there and sprinkle some catnip on it. Problem solved.
Now, for the requisite pics
This is Ajax (background) and Sapphire (foreground). Ajax is a 3-year-old, freakishly strong Siamese-Persian-Turkish Van mix. Sapphire is a 1-year-old 50%-domestic shorthair, 50%-Siamese that's 100% insane.
Here's Liandra, a 2-year-old domestic shorthair that's very smart, calm, and quiet.
And a very rare moment for the three of them:
Good luck with the kitty!
[ This Message was edited by: Hlcn Twst on 2007-05-11 16:17 ]
Posted: 2007-05-11 17:15:30
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Top advice, hlcn... And nice insight
Posted: 2007-05-11 17:33:46
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i find it hard to get a good shot of their eyes using the flash as they always close them to block out the flash so i took that photo without flash because he has amazing grey blue eyes
Posted: 2007-05-12 09:03:07
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Posted: 2007-05-12 09:22:09
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He's gonna grow up to become a wicked little devil - a real "I don't take any shit" face!!!
treat him well
Posted: 2007-05-12 09:30:10
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Trogdor, great picks, well done! AS you say it's hard to get good pics of cats.
My baby Xena:
File System Tweaks for the K750
K750 Tricks[ This Message was edited by: max_wedge on 2007-05-12 11:13 ]
Posted: 2007-05-12 12:12:19
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haven't you people learned, cats are EVIL
here's something you guys might like:
Posted: 2007-05-13 01:31:00
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