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Dups! Posts: > 500

Where's Mario now?

Posted: 2007-01-13 19:32:00
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mario2004 Posts: > 500

I am here buddy. Sorry, I don't check this forum daily :( I was busy flying in the southern Drakensberg mountains and checking comet McNaught :) - now that you are asking where I was. What makes you chaps think I like Nokia? Yes I like S60 but I don't particularly like any cell company :( all are making money out of me ESPECIALLY nokia. I would like to see more competition among manufacturers in the S60 market. For now Nokia has a monopoly there with 95%+, that remindes me of Microsoft and Windows :( I look at cellphones from a OS point of view and not manufacturers ! The fact that Motorola and Se added a few percent to their market share does not mean a thing to me. Neighter competes in the S60 market :(. I really hope Nokia's strong hold will be broken soon. Samsung and Lg are trying at least. DOWN WITH NOKIA - LONG LIVE S60 :D

This message was posted from a N70-1
Posted: 2007-01-22 05:58:29
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kenx3000 Posts: 160

Well, I think you should rather look at the manufacture and market shares as much as the phone itself(including OS platforms). What the market shares tells consumers is that how their phones compare in the real market and how their phones performs. Nokia's S60 platform is surely enough one of the best OS, but it doesn't mean it IS the best. The point that Nokia's share was declined is also telling users something that their S60 isn't always THE best.

I'm currently a webmaster for a phone site also, and what I've seen so far, people manage to get phones that are easy to use. They don't want anything complicated in usage. SE phones have advantage in a point that they include almost every necessary software into their phones. Users are allowed to use to softwares freely. Unlike some S60's that only come with certain programs, and I haven't included to fear of phone viruses that SE never gets from them.

I'm not saying that S60 is bad, but to look in daily usage point of view, and time consuming for using the phones, I think SE does have this advantage.
Posted: 2007-01-22 06:19:13
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mario2004 Posts: > 500

Nice comment there buddy. :) While s60 is Nokia's 'face' of the Symbian Os, is not all Nokia! Nokia might argue otherwise thou. They (nokia) have tried to 'clinch' symbian a few times now (and indeed came very close to getting it !) but have failed :D They own just below 50% of symbian, and I hope it will stay so or get less :D. What I like about s60 is: Simplicity of use (with a bit of training even a novice can write a short sms and send it without even taking the cell out of his poked) and Strait forward implementation ! I use to program back in the '80s (C and later C++ - if properly mastered a 'mind bending' programming language in its own right) and Symbian in general and S60 in particular reminds me of Unix. Just because I like the S60 OS and because Nokia managed to make everyone thing S60=Nokia , most of the people (especially teens) in here think I must be a nokia lover. On the other site I don't care much about it all - never really explainit like this on the forum before.

This message was posted from a N70-1
Posted: 2007-01-22 07:48:16
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Bambino Posts: > 500

@mario & kenx. WaAW thats trully my unspitable thouhqts. s60 is not nokia! why SE didnt use s60 n gaining profit from it, then taking nokia's share! that will be interesting! instead fiqht between symbian (s60 vs uiq)

This message was posted from a N73-1
Posted: 2007-01-22 10:03:07
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mario2004 Posts: > 500

It isn't much of a fight thou. S60 outnumber uiq by something like 20:1. Wm5 and s60 is more like a fight. Actually s60 and windows is the most balanced fight if one were to look at the sold computers using the one or the other os. Samsung and Lg realised the huge s60 market and quickly try to join the 'gravy train'. Yes SE made a killing in the 3-th and to a lesser extent in the 4-th quarter of last year, but unfortunately for me, it wasn't their symbian cells (as far as I know SE don't market a single s60 device). Actually, looking at the drop in value with the P990i, symbian and 2006 is something SE certainly want to forget :( I am aware that some SE fans will be upset to see me posting now from a N70 and in a few months from a N95. Yes both cells are made by Nokia and I guess, on first sight, that makes me a instant Nokia fanatic, but I can assure you - that's far from the truth! There is something far more important for me which this cells have in common :)

This message was posted from a N70-1
Posted: 2007-01-22 16:17:19
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goldenface Posts: > 500

Actually Mario, profits tripled in the 06Q4. It was better than 3Q.
Posted: 2007-01-22 16:23:40
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mario2004 Posts: > 500

Ok. Turn 3 and 4 around then :D Still no S60 device for me from SE. Please help me right if I am wrong.

This message was posted from a N70-1
Posted: 2007-01-22 16:31:52
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Aware Posts: > 500


In PCs, the number of Windows machines in households outnumbers Mac OS machines(probably not by 20:1).........however, does that make Windows the better operating system(and I'm purposely NOT mentioning linux here)???

Posted: 2007-01-22 16:45:57
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goldenface Posts: > 500

Very good point!
Posted: 2007-01-22 17:00:46
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