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themarques Posts: > 500

Actually I take my comment back I dont think it will be a an "X" I have done a tab bit of research and I am positive its going to be an "A" Series. Most of the Jap phones are all "A".
Posted: 2004-09-14 23:24:41
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Sutitan Posts: 327

Oooooh! I love the sound of that with the "A". X sounds kinda ugly.

I cant wait to see what will really be of this phone! Im really excited
Posted: 2004-09-14 23:29:05
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reallysecretfox Posts: 34

sorry to disappoint; but it's not and "X" or an "A"!!! but as soon as sonyericsson release the phone publicly i will post all the pictures you can handle and any you want to request; also i'm just after noticing that the Z500 looks very much like the z1010 only smaller! just thought i'd add that; and i hope Bart post that pic i sent him soon, i do not have the original anymore, i have to be very careful so i can not leave pic's lying around on my computer!

Posted: 2004-09-15 11:57:06
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ljf881 Posts: 105

Ah, interesting! I like the design of z500 and I'm surprised that people don't discuss it more. It would be nice if a new 3G-phone had the same design. However, I would be mildly disappointed if the new 3G-phone has the same screen size as the z500, it's too small...

So, RSF, any more comments on the z500?
Posted: 2004-09-15 13:56:55
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themarques Posts: > 500

@reallysecretfox Ok I am a little confused, you want us to wait for SE to release the info and then you will post some pics...Maybe I am missing something but will there be any point as we will get the Hi-res pics from SE themselves and all the info we need...

So RSF make the plunge and just publish the pics and be a hit on this forum and we will all bow down to your everyword. Because at the moment you could just be pulling our leg.
Posted: 2004-09-15 21:11:51
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lynn Posts: 65

tomorrow is the 19th and still no pictures?! guess we really have to wait til after the supposedly press conf
Posted: 2004-09-18 06:56:36
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davidswan Posts: 9

looks like its a no-show..
its more than half way through the 21st (3pm) in my country, the land down under, and still no word. Personally, I'm not holding my breath.
Posted: 2004-09-21 07:05:29
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jontyf Posts: 468

I really wonder what SE will announce on the 21st
Posted: 2004-09-21 18:36:41
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davidswan Posts: 9

nothing it's all over
theres a report of the event at
nothing much apart from SE showing one of their Japan-only phones.
I'm a bit disappointed to tell the truth...
Posted: 2004-09-22 02:20:38
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sieg dante Posts: 89

this phone is not z1020.. is se v800..a 3g phone for vodafone from se
Posted: 2004-09-22 08:46:07
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