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BobaFett Posts: > 500

U are right, but with his question he created an interesting thread and we discuss here just a rumour, so its acceptable. This message was posted from a T630
Posted: 2004-09-12 08:54:50
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david1975 Posts: > 500

yes it has become an interesting thread i think i read it in a gadget magazine in the uk i think its was stuff or t3 so sorry to the person i called a little boy there was pictures lol
Posted: 2004-09-12 15:31:50
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methylated_spirit Posts: > 500

I was never a fan of ericsson phones at all, but i loved sony phones. The sony phone was imo one of the best, and innovative around before they merged, and they hadnt even been making phones that long. The merger was the kick up the backside ericsson needed. The jog dial, memory stick, the menu system, they are sony's design. I dont think ericsson would be anywhere near as good as they are just now, but i think Sony would still be producing terrific phones if they hadnt merged.

I would never have buying a if it wasnt for the p800, and now im hooked.

Hello, Scroto!


[ This Message was edited by: methylated_spirit on 2004-09-12 18:21 ]
Posted: 2004-09-12 19:16:55
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plasmadog Posts: > 500

if /// and sony go their separate ways, i wonder what'll happen to esato?
but, i seriously doubt that it could happen in the near future.

i think it has been an equitable/profitable partnership for both sides.there are some lessons both of them have learnt from the relationship.
sony or ericsson, either wouldn't have been the 3rd largest mobile phone maker in today's competetive market if they'd stayed apart.
so, let it be what it is!
Posted: 2004-09-12 20:10:41
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bart Posts: > 500

easto was alive long before SE was.

methylated_spirit: i can't say that i like any of sony's influence. maby the jogdial is ok but the rest. oh boy. expencive MSD, HBM-30 made by sony and fixed that i will give a long battery life when you use the sony's atrac3 instead of the standard MP-3, poor design of phones and menu. imo i don't find that sony phones had much inovation, ok the company didn't have much experience, but still.
Posted: 2004-09-12 20:14:54
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plasmadog Posts: > 500

bart...thanks for the info!

i kind of agree with what meths says.
if it weren't for sony, i don't think we'd see phones like p800/900.
Posted: 2004-09-12 20:22:34
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Vlammetje Posts: > 500

Personally I think that //////////////// (why do people do this? What's wrong with typing 'Ericsson' you know it's in your words anyway) anyway I think Ericsson would not be able to survive for very long on it's own. Apart from that I like se a lot more than either Sony or Ericsson apart. This message was posted from a Z600
Posted: 2004-09-12 20:50:46
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

@bart sony started to make fones cos ebody else started it. I accept ///, nokia and maybe motorola as brands who has acceptable knowledge, tradition about mob fones. This message was posted from a T630
Posted: 2004-09-12 20:53:35
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701 Posts: > 500

U all seem to forget that Sony actually BOUGHT the mobile division from Ericsson when they almost went bankrupt. And when no1 was interested, Sony came along. They bought Er quite cheap and put their name on the latest phone at the time, the T68. Sony needed a name and a continuation in the mobile market. If u remember,the 1st Sony gsm mobiles were Bosch/Siemens patents, while the C series were just some mobiles,not innovative nor extraordinary beautiful. So stop creating legends.. This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2004-09-12 21:23:21
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


You can only say that you thought Sony phones did not look good, everyone has their own opinion. Personally I always thought Sony phones looked fantastic. You can read what I thought of Ericsson designs earlier in this thread. It is everyone to their own at the end of the day.
The biggest benefit Sony brought to SE was their name. Brand recognition counts for a lot and Sony has that. People like Sony products, they assume Sony products will be of a high standard. Ericsson, on the other hand, were not doing all that well and their brand recognition was no where near that of Sony's.
Posted: 2004-09-12 21:32:03
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