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with the nokia 7600 i know u cant make video calls but what else is it missing from normal 3G handsets?
i ordered the 7600 and should have it in about 1 week, i travel a bit around london so ill report the coverage back
Posted: 2004-11-02 20:43:24
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and thats what i dont understand, you have a network whos biggest difference and main selling point is video calling so what do nokia do? release a 3g handset without video calling!!
whats that all about eh?
Posted: 2004-11-02 22:27:00
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@p900 - ta, would be interesting to see what the signal's like in London, the capital!
Posted: 2004-11-02 22:45:50
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ya when i get it ill help you out on your review if you want.
Posted: 2004-11-02 22:51:36
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the signal in central london is pretty good, you can make calls from virtually anywhere in zone 1. the problems begin when you are inside the building, as i said earlier i cant make calls from my flat unless i stand next to a window or go out on the balcony (orange and o2 got the full signal here).
Posted: 2004-11-03 05:00:00
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CDMA2000 1X 1900/800 works with gsm 190/800?
Posted: 2004-11-23 15:45:05
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Could sum1 do a review on the e616v
This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2004-12-03 23:26:14
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ok well iv had the nokia 7600 for about 2 weeks now and im not happy with it. i fone itself is great (apart from the keypad) but lett me tell u the servoce is horribel
to start with i had to order a new sim because the 1 i got in the box was faulty, i spent 28 minuts on the fone to a call centre in india and had to wait about 5 days for my sim
secondly im not happy with the reception in my area, i live in london zone 2, which is very central and i never hat full reception. also as i understand dont they use o2s network when there is no recption on 3???
im sorry but i dont think i will be getting a 3 fone anytime soon, if i want 3g ill wait 4 the big 4 networks to bring it out.
Posted: 2004-12-04 00:54:10
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got the problem with network coverage sorted out - i got it unlocked and now i keep it permanently locked to GSM, so virtually using O2 network all the time. it saves battery as well, my 7600 now manages about 4 days with loads of calls.
Posted: 2004-12-04 06:44:00
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i just remembered a story:
a few months ago a guy at work got a text about a free phone, free minutes etc but it didnt mention a network. he rung up and straight away they tried signing him up without letting him ask anything.at one point he asked where the guy was and got the reply "call centre in india" the rest of the conversation went like this:
co worker: what network is it?
customer service rep: 3 network
cw: forget it, the reception is terrible
csr: no, no, no, is very good
cw: how do you know? youre in india.
csr:is very good, good clear calls 90% coverage
cw: but how do you know?
csr: my computer tells me.
my point is how are we supposed to believe and have faith in 3 if thier csr's have no experience of the network and have probably never even seen a 3 phone?!
i have trouble believing anything an o2 rep says about thier network, and they have a call centre 20 miles away from me, and (i assume) they all have o2 phones as well!
Posted: 2004-12-04 06:46:00
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