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Hehe...so you're dissing your own kind now?
This post was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2002-08-12 23:35:00
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Well, the last 10 years i've lived in sweden 1½...
Posted: 2002-08-12 23:39:00
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Oki, but you're still a swede right... So where you've been hiding?
This post was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2002-08-12 23:45:00
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Well, yes i was born and raised in sweden.
Moved to the US in -92 and lived there for 4 years, then i wen't to Australia for 2 years and then back to the US.
Posted: 2002-08-12 23:50:00
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Where in the US?
This post was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2002-08-12 23:55:00
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San Diego, Los Angeles, Las Vegas. Actually going back to Las Vegas in 3 weeks.
Posted: 2002-08-12 23:56:00
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Cool, so what's it like there, las vegas I mean?
This post was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2002-08-13 00:05:00
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Well, San Diego is the best town i've ever lived in in the US, it's an ok size, friendly people (for beeing americans).
LA is just to much.
Las Vegas is ok if you don't live there during the summer, it's like 40-45 degrees warm and a lot of F´#&¤#ing tourists everywhere !
My Fav city is Melbourne, i just love Australia and the friendly (friendly like they mean it, not like americans) Australians.
Posted: 2002-08-13 00:08:00
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Yeah I've heard alot of positive things about Australia.... Have been traveling thru europe, visited thailand and marocco, but never visited australia or america... I'd like to some day though..
This post was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2002-08-13 00:22:00
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If you have to choose, go for Australia !
If you're going to the US, make sure you visit both coasts. I prefer the laidback westcoast myself.
Posted: 2002-08-13 00:26:00
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