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itsjustJOH Posts: > 500

On 2014-03-27 14:54:25, northmonkey wrote:
On a serious note though how many people will trade their Z1 for a Z2?

As the poster above said, it's only a slighter bugger screen, slightly bigger battery, a little more ram, 4k (which the Z1 will get anyway) the cameras are likely to be the same because of the same hardware, there isn't that much difference between the two. Most people will probably wait for the Z3 or Z4 as the Z3 will probably be similar to the Z2.

I'll believe actual reviews than this random guy's comment.
Posted: 2014-03-27 14:56:05
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CrownedAkuma Posts: > 500

On 2014-03-27 14:42:44, xenia wrote:

On 2014-03-27 13:35:41, HxH wrote:

Oh meh, I just can't stop laughing.

One man wrote :
Saw the Z2 today....
Today was the offical pre order for Z2 in
Singapore. Was deciding to pre order one
and to sell off my current z1.. The moment I
picked up the Z2.. I was disappointed... The
display was not as fabulous as what was
reviewed.. Seriously, its slightly better then
the Z1, Not as good as the Z Ultra. I can
confirm that apart from the viewing angles
that Z1 lacks, its almost the same as the
Z2!! Infact sharper then the Z2! The camera
wise, just the lack of 4K recording, the rest
was infact the same as Z1 4.4... The Z2 still
captures Superior Auto in 8Mp. Still No
option to change the resolution in Superior
Auto. Sad....
The trade in Price for Z1 here in Singapore is
$450... The Z2 cost $998.... So its an
additional topup of $540 to buy an additional
0.2" screen, Slightly better screen (Because
of the Viewing Angles, but lost in Sharpness)
, an additional 1GB ram and a 4K recording
In the end I hesitated and walk off the shop,
need to have a second thought.... So dear
Bros, I have tried the display set and this is
what I found out. Its up to u guys to see if
its a worth upgrade.... Z Ultra's screen is
still the best!!!
Just one question :"Again!?" It is not funny.

I'm not entirely convinced of this too... I'll wait for reviews and measurements... I mean, will there maybe be screen lottery again?? I taught Sony learned with the Z and the Z1... The Z1 compact has different displays but all awesome! I'm excepting the same for the Z2, maybe different screens but all perfect!
Also we have seen so many reviewers praising it! Even Erica Griffith was pumped for it! Crossing my finger!
Posted: 2014-03-27 15:09:30
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northmonkey Posts: > 500

But regardless of views the specs aren't much different and the camera hardware is the same so it's a minimal upgrade, people with the Z will get the Z2 but I can't see that many people trading in their Z1 to get a Z2.
Posted: 2014-03-27 15:10:54
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randomuser Posts: > 500

From those samples it looks like Sony really hasn't worked on the camera algorithm at all. It's shocking how Z2 worse than even LG G Pro 2 in some of the shots

S5 camera is disappointing as well with fake color reproduction and severe over sharpening. But still it does deliver more details than the soft mess Z2 produces in most cases.

Only positive thing is the unit used in this comparison seems to have a good lens, not much softness in the corners.
[ This Message was edited by: randomuser on 2014-03-27 14:22 ]

Posted: 2014-03-27 15:19:38
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miromiromi Posts: 481

i'm inclined to disagree with you ramu i can see the improvement. it may not be that big but there is an improvement.

what matters to me now is that the z2 camera is better than the s5's.

ISOCELL apparently delivers what it promises. reduced crosstalk at the expense of looking unnatural and heavily grainy.

i just hope they used superior auto so we can see how the details look.

it's also surprising that sony uses lower ISOs but the photos look noticeably brighter.
[ This Message was edited by: miromiromi on 2014-03-27 14:38 ]

Posted: 2014-03-27 15:30:45
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CrownedAkuma Posts: > 500

On 2014-03-27 15:10:54, northmonkey wrote:
But regardless of views the specs aren't much different and the camera hardware is the same so it's a minimal upgrade, people with the Z will get the Z2 but I can't see that many people trading in their Z1 to get a Z2.

I for one would not buy the Z2 if I had the Z1, but even if I had a Z I would remain with it... I normally stick with a phone for 3-4 years minimum... I cannot understand this urge to change phone every 6 months...! But I'm in the minority I think...
Still I think you are right, not many Z1 users will jump and I think that this is right! Only 6 months passed!
Posted: 2014-03-27 15:31:27
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itsjustJOH Posts: > 500

On 2014-03-27 14:44:48, miromiromi wrote:
new camera comparisons now up[....]61/1/rv/sony-xperia-z2-review/

the ISOCELL camera is overeager with the eliminating of crosstalk that the light rays don't look natural.

[ This Message was edited by: miromiromi on 2014-03-27 14:15 ]

Some of the shots looked sharp on the S5, some also looks better because of the extra saturation. Probably a bit over-aggresive?

Z2's looked much more natural, making it better on some shots but details are a bit more blurry. Might be the lens or something, dunno, but definitely ain't a problem with software. Only problem I see with the Z2's algorithm is how it produces those mosquito noise. The same algorithm might work with smaller MP sensors, but as they are implemented with the Z1/Z2's larger 20.7 MP sensor, it becomes much more pronounced. Also a culprit is the scene recognition/auto mode.

G Pro 2 looks best overall, although always a bit on the warm side which looks good, sometimes. I didn't bother with the M8, cause, you know, details.
Posted: 2014-03-27 15:35:39
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AbhiD999 Posts: 215

On 2014-03-27 15:30:45, miromiromi wrote:
i'm inclined to disagree with you ramu i can see the improvement. it may not be that big but there is an improvement.

what matters to me now is that the z2 camera is better than the s5's.

ISOCELL apparently delivers what it promises. reduced crosstalk at the expense of looking unnatural and heavily grainy.

i just hope they used superior auto so we can see how he details look.

it's also surprising that sony uses lower ISOs but the photos look noticeably brighter.
[ This Message was edited by: miromiromi on 2014-03-27 14:33 ]

[ This Message was edited by: AbhiD999 on 2014-03-27 14:37 ]

Posted: 2014-03-27 15:35:55
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randomuser Posts: > 500


You should look at the samples full size. In 2 or 3 shots Z2 is good but in other you can see clearly it has much worse details than S5 and G Pro 2 both. Almost as if the shot is out of focus. I would have posted crops but too lazy to do that

I observed the same issue in the earlier outdoor shots taken with Z2.


That's right, but I don't think it's a lens issue. Lens seems good on this unit so its definitely the image processing at fault here.
[ This Message was edited by: randomuser on 2014-03-27 14:44 ]

Posted: 2014-03-27 15:42:38
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itsjustJOH Posts: > 500

On 2014-03-27 15:42:38, randomuser wrote:

That's right, but I don't think it's a lens issue. Lens seems good on this unit so its definitely the image processing at fault here.

Dunno, but I'm pretty sure it's a hardware problem. Lens, sensor, or whatever. If the details look that blurry, it cannot be fixed by software and make it look as sharp as the G Pro 2.
Posted: 2014-03-27 15:47:46
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