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HxH Posts: > 500

I really wonder how much THE COMPETITOR paid that guy to write bullsh*t fake review against other products

It once happen with HTC One last year.

I don't buy it just that!
[ This Message was edited by: HxH on 2014-03-27 14:49 ]

Posted: 2014-03-27 15:48:29
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miromiromi Posts: 481


i'm not saying the z2 is the best in those samples. i was just looking at the ISO and how they performed. the z2 does well preserving the details at ISOs not higher than 600. was just being optimistic sony finally made it with their smartphone cameras the fanboy really wants to see that struggling japanese company succeed.

there's an improvement. the softening in parts is still there. i'm about to think of it as a lens issue this time.

but i guess i'm not that competent in judging the photos. my monitor is defective.
[ This Message was edited by: miromiromi on 2014-03-27 14:55 ]

Posted: 2014-03-27 15:51:16
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RandomCarpet Posts: 202

On 2014-03-27 14:42:44, xenia wrote:

On 2014-03-27 13:35:41, HxH wrote:

Oh meh, I just can't stop laughing.

One man wrote :
Saw the Z2 today....
Today was the offical pre order for Z2 in
Singapore. Was deciding to pre order one
and to sell off my current z1.. The moment I
picked up the Z2.. I was disappointed... The
display was not as fabulous as what was
reviewed.. Seriously, its slightly better then
the Z1, Not as good as the Z Ultra. I can
confirm that apart from the viewing angles
that Z1 lacks, its almost the same as the
Z2!! Infact sharper then the Z2! The camera
wise, just the lack of 4K recording, the rest
was infact the same as Z1 4.4... The Z2 still
captures Superior Auto in 8Mp. Still No
option to change the resolution in Superior
Auto. Sad....
The trade in Price for Z1 here in Singapore is
$450... The Z2 cost $998.... So its an
additional topup of $540 to buy an additional
0.2" screen, Slightly better screen (Because
of the Viewing Angles, but lost in Sharpness)
, an additional 1GB ram and a 4K recording
In the end I hesitated and walk off the shop,
need to have a second thought.... So dear
Bros, I have tried the display set and this is
what I found out. Its up to u guys to see if
its a worth upgrade.... Z Ultra's screen is
still the best!!!
Just one question :"Again!?" It is not funny.

Well, of course the 5" 1080p display of Z1 will look slightly sharper than the 5.2" 1080p one of Z2. This is a no-brainer. The difference between 440ppi (5") and 423ppi (5.2") is hardly noticeable, but still some people are able to see it.
Posted: 2014-03-27 15:54:50
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northmonkey Posts: > 500

I'm not a Samsung fanboy so please don't think I am when I say this but I still think the S4 camera was better than the Z1 and I believe the S5 will be better than the Z2 camera.

I'm just shocked that companies like Samsung haven't added any lossless zoom to their cameras, the only disappointing thing with the S5 is the lack of zoom and lack of OIS, Sony have steadyshot which is quite good.
Posted: 2014-03-27 15:55:29
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HxH Posts: > 500

Nope, barely to none chances to see Japanese business fly up again.

Something that continue it clause when they signed Plaza Accord in mid-80.
Posted: 2014-03-27 15:55:44
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josephnero Posts: > 500

i beg to differ.just bought S4 to replace my TL Because i couldn't wait for Z2 to show up in states and i can honestly say camera is not up to excpetations.i was looking for a S2 type pics with little noise but nope.not saying it's aweful but not better than Z1 or 2.i heard Kitkat downgraded the cam quality but when i bought it it was already on Kitkat so i cannot confirm it
on side note i was going for Z1s but when i compared it's screen to my old TL i found out how crappy it is.way worse than TL.
[ This Message was edited by: josephnero on 2014-03-27 15:21 ]

Posted: 2014-03-27 16:10:34
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>>SAMEH Posts: 56

ever wonder what we would see from this beast 20mp Sony sensor if it was handle by iPhone or any other competitor,
well i guess it will push Sony to do alot to keep on par with them
[ This Message was edited by: >>SAMEH on 2014-03-27 15:48 ]

Posted: 2014-03-27 16:47:43
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cu015170 Posts: > 500

On 2014-03-27 16:47:43, >>SAMEH wrote:
ever wonder what we would see from this beast 20mp Sony sensor if it was handle by iPhone or any other competitor,
well i guess it will push Sony to do alot to keep on par with them
[ This Message was edited by: >>SAMEH on 2014-03-27 15:48 ]

They could probably squeeze a bit more out of the sensor, but not just doesn't seem like a great performer overall.
Posted: 2014-03-27 17:08:48
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itsjustJOH Posts: > 500

[ This Message was edited by: itsjustJOH on 2014-03-27 18:18 ]

Posted: 2014-03-27 17:20:06
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>>SAMEH Posts: 56

They could probably squeeze a bit more out of the sensor, but not just doesn't seem like a great performer overall.

from the sensor side yes.. a bit more only, but for the lens & process algorithm it gonna be a hell of improvement
Posted: 2014-03-27 17:36:27
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