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Arne Anka Posts: > 500

On 2013-05-09 20:30:20, xell wrote:
For me, it opens the contact's details.

Same for me.

On 2013-05-09 18:34:49, badassmam wrote:
How do you check the phone number of a contact without long press then edit?

Not sure I fully understand what you mean. Singel press on the picture will bring a small pop up windows from wher you can see phone numbers and also make phone calls etc. Single press on name brings you to the contact info. No long press required in JB.
[ This Message was edited by: Arne Anka on 2013-05-09 20:09 ]

Posted: 2013-05-09 20:55:05
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badassmam Posts: > 500

Nothing happens when I press the names, nothing comes up so now if I want to see the number I have to edit the contact. Its a bug unfortunately, that needs fixing and I need my camera flash back! Hopefully the JB update should sort it all out.
Posted: 2013-05-09 22:04:43
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Intemporium Posts: 49

Hm, that's strange. Well, I'll keep my eyes open and if I find a solution I'll be back.

New factory reset and now is ok
I think that Astro or ZD box has been in the origin of the problem!

Posted: 2013-05-11 23:24:28
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badassmam Posts: > 500

Manually updated to JB, most of my bugs are gone i.e. contacts, camera. Phone is running really well but I've put a custom launcher on to make it smoother. I like the look of the menus but not the white dialer and contacts. Wish you could make it black, same goes for the e-mail. Notification LED does not work with stamina mode which is something I couldn't turn off for my needs. I really wanted to have Dashclock widget but that's 4.2 and I have 4.1, bit of a bummer that. I'm very tempted to go for a Nexus device but would like it if they gave Sony phones with clean Android (plus fast updates) like what Samsung did yesterday, that would be ideal.
Posted: 2013-05-16 17:00:44
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

Xperia P sim free for 179 quid at Argos UK. Last time I had this phone I had it loced to O2
Posted: 2013-05-17 20:05:08
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jplacson Posts: > 500

Ok, battery performance was hit/miss for a bit until Stamina Mode found the culprit:

Swype Beta prevents Stamina Mode from kicking in every now and then... even though I replaced it with the new version of Swype. Reverting to the builtin keyboard helped. So far getting an average of 10 hours with Stamina Mode on, vs 6 on ICS. Still looking for ways (other than disabling my data) to increase this.

I also traced an NFC issue I had with Automateit App. Smart Connect blocks NFC requests to any other app, uninstall updates and disabling it fixed issues with Automateit.
Posted: 2013-05-17 22:13:13
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

When I last had the Xperia P it was stuck on O2 network and I could not get it unlocked. I loved the phone and camera is one of their best. Picked up another new one today for 179 sim free in black!! Happy so far but one thing,is Jelly Bean out for all now?? Mine says it's upto date via Sony Update Service.
Posted: 2013-05-22 15:20:40
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cableguy Posts: > 500

I would just debrand it, as if its not showing up now it probably wont show up for another few weeks
Posted: 2013-05-22 15:37:24
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N.J Posts: 3

On 2013-05-22 15:20:40, Bonovox wrote:
Happy so far but one thing,is Jelly Bean out for all now?? Mine says it's upto date via Sony Update Service.

Just flash an ftf using flashtool.
Posted: 2013-05-22 15:47:27
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

On 2013-05-22 15:37:24, cableguy wrote:
I would just debrand it, as if its not showing up now it probably wont show up for another few weeks

It's not branded I said the one I had previously was branded this one is sim free unbranded.
Posted: 2013-05-22 15:51:41
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